& soloprosjekter:
Holger Czukay
Irmin Schmidt
Michael Karoli
Jaki Liebezeit
Phantom Band
Club Off Chaos
Da tyske Can kom med
sin første LP "Monster Movie" i 1969 var en ny epoke i rocken født.
Her fikk vi servert avantgarde rock med et helt nytt sound.
Herrene Holger Czukay, Irmin Schmidt, Michael Karoli og Jaki Liebezeit
klarte å mikse en rekke overraskende elementer. Rock,
elektronisk musikk, etnisk musikk og ren støy ble blandet på en måte
ingen hadde gjort før. Czukay satte etter hvert et særpreg på
musikken ved bruk av valthorn, et instrument han også benyttet hyppig
på sine soloplater. Karoli innførte fiolin i tillegg til sin
"sure", hylende gitar. Synthene til Schmidt skapte et særegent
Can-sound og Liebezeits stakkato tromming er umisskjennelig. Det ble benyttet forskjellige vokalister. Malcolm Mooney, Kenji "Damo" Suzuki, Rosko Gee og Reebop Kwaku Bah ga
alle sine høyst personlige bidrag til Cans musikk. Can har helt
opp til i dag vært inspirasjonskilde for en rekke nyere artister.
Storheter som Brian Eno, David Bowie og David Sylvian har trukket frem
Cans betydning for eksperimentell rock. En rekke hip-hop
band/artister ga i 1997 ut cd'en "Sacrilege" med cover-versjoner av
Can-låter. Det sier seg selv at Can aldri har vært et band for
hitlistene, eneste unntak må være "I Want More" fra "Flow Motion" som
faktisk ble spilt i Top of The Pops på BBC. Delvis parallelt med Can har særlig Czukay og Schmidt vært aktive med egne prosjekter.
Czukay tok flittig i bruk radio og sampling som sammen med hans nesten
hviskende stemme og engelsk med tydelig tysk aksent skapte et underlig
lydbilde. Han klarte å hisse på seg kinesiske myndigheter for å
ha samplet den kinesiske nasjonalsangen og den katolske kirke for å ha
samplet en messende pave. Bak på LP'en "Rome Remains Rome" skriver
Czukay: "We were blessed by the appearance of His Holyness Popestar
Wojtyla and his swinging nuns during the easter ceremonies".
Mannen har utvilsomt humoristisk sans! Videre har Czukay
arbeidet sammen med en rekke andre artister. Han deltok sammen med Liebezeit på Eurythmics' første plate "In The Garden" og han har vært
aktiv med både David Sylvian og
Jah Wobble for å nevne noe.
Schmidt har også vært relativt aktiv, bl.a. med musikkproduksjon for
film og TV. Fem albumer med hans filmmusikk er utgitt. I de senere år har han flørtet med jazz og faktisk
skrevet en opera; "Gormenghast". Liebezeit og Karoli har vært mindre synlige
etter Can. Liebezeit dannet gruppen
Phantom Band rundt 1980. Tre pussige,
men bra utgivelser så dagens lys. Deretter ga han ut tre spennende
albumer under prosjektnavnet Club Off Chaos.
På 2000-tallet har Liebezeit, sammen med Burnt Friedman, gitt ut to
svært bra albumer; "Secret
Rhythms" 1 og 2. Karoli har kun gitt ut ett album, "Deluge",
sammen med Polly Eltes. Michael Karoli døde plutselig i 2001. Han ble, som
Frank Zappa, kun 53 år! |
Nytt på denne
(1969) LP 4,5/5
Father Cannot Yell
2. Mary, Mary, So Contrary
3. Outside My Door
4. You Doo Right |
(1970) LP 3/5
2. Tango Whiskyman
3. Deadlock
4. Don't Turn The Light On, Leave Me Alone
5. Soul Desert
6. Mother Sky
7. She Brings The Rain |
Tago Mago
(1971) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Paperhouse
2. Mushroom
3. Oh Yeah
4. Halleluwah |
LP 2
1. Aumgn
2. Peking O.
3. Bring Me Coffee Or Tea |
(1972) LP
2. Sing Swan Song
3. One More Night
4. Vitamin C
5. Soup
6. I'm So Green
7. Spoon |
Future Days
(1973) LP
Future Days
2. Spray
3. Moonshake
4. Bel Air |
Soon Over Babaluma
(1974) LP & SACD
SACD utgitt
i 2005
LP |
Dizzy Dizzy
2. Come Sta, La Luna
3. Splash
4. Chain Reaction
5. Quantum Physics |
Limited Edition
(1974) LP
E.F.S. =
Ethnological Forgery Series
2. Doko E
3. LH 702 (Nairobi-München)
4. I'm Too Leise
5. Musette
6. Blue Bag (Inside Paper)
7. E.F.S. No.27
8. TV-Spot
9. E.F.S. No.7
10. The Empress And The Ukraine King
11. E.F.S. No.10
12. Mother Upduff
13. E.F.S. No.36 |
(1975) LP
1. Full Moon On
The Highway
2. Half Past One
3. Hunters And Collectors
4. Vernal Equinox
5. Red Hot Indians
6. Unfinished |
Unlimited Edition
(1976) DBL-LP
E.F.S. =
Ethnological Forgery Series
LP 1
1. Gomorrha
2. Doko E
3. LH 702 (Nairobi-München)
4. I'm Too Leise
5. Musette
6. Blue Bag (Inside Paper)
7. E.F.S. No.27
8. TV-Spot
9. E.F.S. No.7
10. The Empress And The Ukraine King
11. E.F.S. No.10
12. Mother Upduff
13. E.F.S. No.36 |
LP 2
1. Cutaway
2. Connection
3. Fall of Another Year
4. E.F.S. No.8
5. Transcendental Express
6. Ibis |
Flow Motion
(1976) LP
I Want More
2. Cascade Waltz
3. Laugh Till You Cry - Live Till You Die (O.R.N.)
4. ...And More
5. Babylonian Pearl
6. Smoke (E.F.S. Nr. 59)
7. Flow Motion |
(1976) LP 3/5
1. Dizzy
2. Moonshake
3. Sing Swan Song
4. Come Sta, La Luna
5. Spoon
6. I'm So Green
7. Vitamin C
8. Future Days |
Saw Delight
(1977) LP (2,5/5)
Don't Say No
2. Sunshine Day And Night
3. Call Me
4. Animal Waves
5. Fly By Night |
(1978) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Father Cannot Yell
2. Soul Desert
3. Soup
4. Mother Sky
5. She Brings The Rain
6. Mushroom
7. One More Night
8. Spray
9. Outside My Door |
LP 2
1. Spoon
2. Halleluwah
3. Aumgn
4. Dizzy Dizzy
5. Yoo Doo Right |
(1978) DBL-LP
Compilation. United Artists-utgave. Samme innhold som Spoonutgave
bortsett fra kutt 1 på LP 2.
LP 1
1. Father Cannot Yell
2. Soul Desert
3. Soup
4. Mother Sky
5. She Brings The Rain
6. Mushroom
7. One More Night
8. Spray
9. Outside My Door |
LP 2
1. Chain Reaction
2. Halleluwah
3. Aumgn
4. Dizzy Dizzy
5. Yoo Doo Right |
Out of Reach
(1978) LP (2/5)
2. Pauper's Daughter And I
3. November
4. Seven Days Awake
5. Give Me No "Roses"
7. One More Day |
(1979) LP 1,5/5
All Gates Open
2. Safe
3. Sunday Jam
4. Sodom
5. A Spectacle
6. E.F.S. Nr. 99 ("Can Can")
7. Ping-Pong
8. Can Be |
»Delay« 1968
(1981) LP 3/5
2. Pnoom
3. Nineteen Century Man
4. Thief
5. Man Named Joe
6. Uphill
7. Little Star of Bethlehem |
(1981) LP
I Want More
2. Full Moon On The Highway
3. Gomorrah
4. Hunters And Collectors
5. The Empress And The Ukraine King
6. Mother Upduff
7. Call Me
8. Half Past One
9. Laugh Till You Cry...Live Till You Die
10. E.F.S. No.36 |
(1983) 12" Single
2. Turtles Have Short Legs
3. One More Night |
Prehistoric Future
(1984) 12" EP 3/5
1968 - The very first session"
1. Side
2. Side Two |
Rite Time
(1989) LP
On The Beautiful Side of A Romance
2. The Withoutlaw Man
3. Below This Level (Patient's Song)
4. Movin' Right Along
5. Like A New Child
6. Hoolah Hoolah
7. Give The Drummer Some |
Can Promo
(1997) Promo-CD
Can +
solobidrag. Signert av Holger Czukay.
2. Oh Yeah
3. Moonshake
4. Pinch
5. Red Hot Indians
6. Animal Waves (Edited)
7. Sunshine Day And Night
8. Bohemian Step (Irmin Schmidt)
9. Weird Love (Jaki Liebezeit Phantomband)
10. You Are The Driver (Michael Karoli & Polly Eltes)
11. Ode To Perfume (Holger Czukay) |
(2003) 2 DVD + CD
1. Can_Free-Concert
2. Can notes
3. Photogallery
4. New Remixes:
Smoke (Czukay)
Get The Can (Czukay)
Below The Level (Liebezeit)
Half Past One (Schmidt)
5. Discography
1. Can - Documentary
2. A short tribute film to Can from
Brian Eno
3. Echo awards presentation
4. Biographies:
Michael Karoli
Holger Czukay
Irmin Schmidt
Jaki Liebezeit
Plus collaborator's biographies:
Hildegard Schmidt, Malcolm
Mooney, Damo Suzuki, Reebop
Kwaku Bah, Rosko Gee, René
Tinner, Uli Gerlach, Jono Podmore
(Kumo), Peter Przygodda
5. History
Schmidt & Kumo:
1. Goatfooted Balloonman
2. Fiedermenschen (live)
3. Plumas del Búho
Liebezeit & Friedman:
4. Rhein Rauf
Liebezeit & Drums Off Chaos:
5. On A Can
6. Velociraptor (live)
Czukay & U-She:
7. Solitary Life (live)
8. Time And Tide (live)
9. Cruise (live)
10. Sunday Morning (live)
Karoli & Sofortkontakt!:
11. Lumpy Todda (live)
12. Pounding Venus (live)
13. Research Has Shown... (live) |
Diverse artister remikser Can
Can : Sacrilege
(1997) DBL-CD 2,5/5
CD 1
1. Pnoom (Moon Up mix)
2. Spoon (Sonic Youth mix)
3. Blue Bag (Inside Paper) (Toroid
4. Tango Whiskyman (A Guy Called
Gerald mix)
5. TV Spot (Bruce Gilbert mix)
6. Vitamin C (U.N.K.L.E. mix)
7. Halleluwah (Halleluwah Orbus 2)
8. Oh Yeah (Sunroof mix) |
CD 2
1. Unfinished (Hiller/Kaiser/
Leda mix)
2. Future Days (Blade Runner mix)
3. ....."And More" (Westbam mix)
4. Father Cannot Yell (Pete Shelley/
Black Radio mix)
5. Dizzy Spoon (System 7 mix)
6. Yoo Doo Right (3P mix)
7. Flow Motion (Air Liquide mix)
8. Oh Yeah (Secret Knowledge mix) |
artister The Tyranny of The Beat
(1991) CD + VHS
Inneholder av alle ting også en fyrstikkeske!
1. SPK:
In Flagrante Delicto
2. Throbbing Gristle:
See You Are
3. Cabaret Voltaire:
4. Chris Carter:
Solidit (Edit)
5. Die Krupps:
Wahre Arbeit, Wahrer Lohn
6. DAF:
Co Co Pina
7. Einstürzende Neubauten:
Tanz Debil
8. Non:
Cruenta Voluptas
Oh Yeah
10. Wire:
Our Swimmer
11. Swell Maps:
Midget Submarines
12. The Boys Next Door:
13. Dome:
Cruel When Complete
14. Monte Cazazza:
Candy Man
15. The Hafler Trio:
A Thirsty Fish/The Dirty Fire |
1. SPK:
In Flagrante Delicto
2. Cabaret Voltaire:
Trust In The Lord
3. Einstürzende Neubauten:
1. ZNS (live)
2. Drawings of OT (live)
Oh Yeah
5. Swell Maps:
Lets Build A Car
6. Dome:
Rolling Upon My Day
7. Die Krupps:
Germaniac (Speed version)
8. Boyd Rice & Frank Tovey:
9. Throbbing Gristle:
Discipline |
Holger Czukay
(1979) LP
1. Cool In The
2. Oh Lord Give Us More Money
3. Persian Love
4. Hollywood Symphony |
On The Way To The Peak of Normal
(1981) LP
1. Ode To
2. On The Way To The Peak of Normal
3. Witches' Multiplication Table
4. Two Bass Shuffle
5. Hiss 'N' Listen |
Der Osten Ist Rot
(1984) LP
1. The Photo
2. Bänkel Rap '82
3. Michy
4. Rhönrad
5. Collage
6. Esperanto Socialiste
7. Der Osten Ist Rot
8. Das Massenmedium
9. Schaue Vertrauensvoll In Die Zukunft
10. Träum Mal Wieder |
The Photo Song
(1984) 12" Single
1. The Photo
2. Biomutanten |
Rome Remains Rome
(1987) LP
1. Hey Bapa
2. Blessed Easter
3. Sudetenland
4. Hit Hit Flop Flop
5. Perfect World
6. Music In The Air |
Radio Wave Surfer
(1991) CD 2/5
1. Rhine Water
2. It Ain't No Crime
3. I Get Weird Dreams
4. Saturday Night Movie
5. Dr. Oblivion
6. We Can Fight All Night
7. Get It Sweet
8. Ride A Radio Wave
9. Atmosphere Tuning
10. Voice of Bulgaria
11. Late Night Radio
12. Through The Freezing Snow
13. Encore |
Moving Pictures
(1993) CD ?/5
1. Longing For
2. All Night Long
3. Radio In An Hourglass
4. Dark Moon
5. Floatspace
6. Rhythms of A Secret Life |
Good Morning Story
(1999) CD
Invisible Man
2. Good Morning Story
3. Dancing In Wide Circles
4. World of The Universe
5. Atlantis
6. Mirage |
La Luna
(2000) CD
La Luna |
Linear City
(2006) CD 2/5
Africana Smooth
2. Echogirl
3. Ten Steps To Heaven
4. Africana Suselita |
La Luna
(2007) CD ?/5
"Live at
Holger's lab"
1. La
2. La Lu Na |
Holger Czukay / Rolf Dammers
(1969) LP 2,5/5
2. Canaxis |
Jah Wobble / Jaki Liebezeit /
Holger Czukay
Jah Wobble
Public Image Limited
Jah Wobble / Jaki
Liebezeit / Holger Czukay
(1981) 12" EP
1. How Much Are
2. Where's The Money?
3. Trench Warfare
4. Twilight World |
Full Circle
(1992) CD 2/5
How Much Are They?
2. Where's The Money
3. Full Circle R.P.S. (No.7)
4. Mystery R.P.S. (No.8)
5. Trench Warfare
6. Twilight World |
Jah Wobble / The Edge / Holger
U2 Snake Charmer
(1983) Mini LP
1. Snake Charmer
2. Hold On To Your Dreams
3. It Was A Camel
4. Sleazy
5. Snake Charmer (reprise) |
David Sylvian - Holger Czukay
David Sylvian
> Japan
Plight & Premonition
(1988) CD 4/5
1. Plight
(The Spiralling of Winter Ghosts)
2. Premonition (Giant Empty Iron Vessel) |
Flux + Mutability
(1989) CD (4/5)
1. Flux
2. Mutability |
Sylvian with Jon Hassell · Steve Jansen · Holger Czukay
Words With The Shaman
(1985) 12" Single
1. Ancient
2. Incantation
3. Awakening (Songs From The Tree Tops) |
Holger Czukay vs.
Dr. Walker
(1998) DBL-CD
CD 1
1. Silent Planes
2. Liquid Skies
3. The Wonderful World of
Screeches, Racing Cars And
4. Twilight
5. Backup Dream |
CD 2
1. Monks, Whales And Moonbeams
(Over California)
2. Anything But The Jungle
3. Dawn Across The Street
4. Full Circle |
Holger Czukay | U-She
The New Millennium
(2003) CD
1. La
Secondaire - Remix of "La Premiere" by Terre Thaemlitz and Holder
2. Millennium
3. Supernova
4. Chittagong
5. Cinderella
6. Metropolis
7. Rosebud
8. Djinni
9. Echogirl Rmx - Remix by Frank Moreno & Marco Dionigi |
Time And Tide
(2007) CD
2. All Around The World
3. Trum
4. Lonesome Song
5. Rain
6. Time And Tide
7. Secret
8. Words
9. Transmigration
10. Child
11. Cat At Night
12. Without You
13. Lost
14. Blue Sky
15. One And Only
16. Final Destination |
Holger Czukay / Ursa Major
21st Century
(2007) CD
1. New
2. Echogirl 21
3. Jungle
4. 21st Century
5. No. 1
6. Lazy Girl
7. Dreamer
8. Crazy Day
9. Easy Street
10. Emotion |
Irmin Schmidt
(1980) LP 3/5
aus Im Herzen Des Hurrican (Titelmusik)
2. aus Der Tote Bin Ich (Solo)
3. aus Im Herzen Des Hurrican (Verfolgung)
4. aus Der Tote Bin Ich (Titelmusik)
5. aus Im Herzen Des Hurrican (Der Elch)
6. aus Messer Im Kopf (Koto)
7. aus Messer Im Kopf (Titelmusik)
8. aus Im Herzen Des Hurrican (Nr.5) |
Filmmusik Vol. 2
(1982) LP 3/5
1. aus
Endstation Freiheit (Titelmusik)
2. aus Flächenbrand (Lurk)
3. aus Endstation Freiheit (Loony's Walk)
4. aus Flächenbrand (Titelmusik)
5. aus Endstation Freiheit (Decision)
6. aus Die Heimsuchung Des Assistenten Jung -
Man On Fire (1.
Version, mit "Katharina Waltz" 1'25") |
Filmmusik Vol. 3&4
(1983) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. You Make Me Nervous
(Flight To Berlin)
2. Mary In A Coma
(Ruhe Sanft Bruno)
3. Fürst von Atlantis
(Leben Gundlings...)
4. Stille Thränen Walzer
(Der Mann Auf Der Mauer)
5. City of Magic
(Flight To Berlin)
6. Ultimate City Limit
(Der Mann Auf Der Mauer)
7. Morning In Berlin
(Flight To Berlin) |
LP 2
1. Aller Tage Abend Walzer
(Es Ist Nicht Aller Tage Abend)
2. Vision
(Der Mann Auf Der Mauer)
3. Asagrai
(Flight To Berlin)
4. Mörderlied
(Leben Gundlings...)
5. Balance
(Der Mann Auf Der Mauer) |
(1983) LP ?/5
zur Fernsehserie"
1. Rote
Erde (Titelmelodie)
2. Käthe Verbrennt Den Traum Vom Glück
3. Widerstand (I)
4. Heimkehr
5. Untertage
6. Pauline
7. Trauermusik
8. Widerstand (II)
9. Schwarze Tage
10. Zuhause
11. Abschied |
Filmmusik Vol. 5
(1989) LP ?/5
aus: Reporter, Tatort: Freunde, Alle Geister & Wallenstein."
1. Zu Nah
2. Gesicht Im Dunkel
3. Mountain Way
4. Rita's Tune
5. Nuts'n News
6. Bohemian Step
7. Geld & Geister
8. Zocker |
Musk At Dusk
(1987) CD ?/5
Cliff Into Silence
2. Love
3. Roll On, Euphrates
4. The Great Escape
5. Villa Wunderbar
6. The Child In History
7. Alcool |
Impossible Holidays
(1992) CD
2. Le Weekend
3. Surprise
4. Shudder of Love
5. Lullaby Big
6. Time The Dreamkiller
7. Gormenghast Drift |
Anthology - Soundtracks
(1995) Trippel-CD
Inneholder en stor andel av Filmmusik 1-5 og Rote Erde + en rekke ikke
tidligere utgitte kutt.
CD 1
1. Verdi Prati Valse
2. Pauline
3. Rote Erde (Titelmusik)
4. Qui Salt
5. Heimkehr
6. Valse Merinque
7. Es Geht Ein Schnitter
8. Bohemian Step
9. Zocker
10. Nuts 'n' News
11. Gesicht Im Dunkel
12. Mountain Way
13. Rita's Tune
14. G. String
15. Baal
16. Mzungu
CD 2
1. Roll On Euphrates
2. You Make Me Nervous
3. Mary In Coma
4. Kein Schöner La La
5. Zombie Mama
6. Stille Thränen Walzer |
7. City
of Magic
8. Ultimate City Limits
9. Morning In Berlin
10. Aller Tage Abend Walzer
11. Asagrai
12. Mörderlied
13. Balance
CD 3
1. Wallenstein
2. Vision
3. Fürst von Atlantis
4. Man On Fire
5. Solo
6. Messer Im Kopf (TM)
7. Endstation Freiheit
8. Der Tote Bin Ich (TM)
9. Lurk
10. Loony's Walk
11. Flächenbrand (TM)
12. Decision
13. Der Elch
14. Koto
15. Im Herzen Des Hurrican (TM) |
(2000) CD
from the Fantasy Opera Gormenghast. With the singers of the World
Premiere (Wuppertal Operahouse, Schillertheater NRW) recorded live in
performance. Musical Director: Simon Rekers and The Brandenburger
Symphoniker conducted by Irmin Schmidt."
2. Gertrude's Aria: Touch
3. Swelter's Aria: Be A Happy Carnivore!
4. Steerpike's Song: Oxygen
5. Fuchsia's Song: Rainbow Party
6. Ensemble: Joy
7. The Twin's Duet: Triumph
8. Barquentine's Aria: Possess Me, Chaos!
9. Sepulchrave's Aria: Behold The Night!
10. Duet Fuchsia & Steerpike: The Birds Are Leaving For The South
11. Fuchsia's Aria: Fall, Friendly Rain |
Toy Planet
Toy Planet
(1980) LP ?/5
The Seven-game (Ring of Smile - Reversed)
2. Toy Planet
3. Two Dolphins Go Dancing
4. Yom Tov
5. Springlight Rite
6. Rapido de Noir (Last Train To Eternity)
7. When The Waters Came To Life |
Irmin Schmidt &
Kumo Masters of Confusion
(2001) CD 4/5
Goatfooted Balloonman
2. Las Plumas del Búho
3. Burning Straw In Sky
4. Those Fuzzy Things (out there)
5. Flendermenschen
6. Beauty Duty
7. Gentle Into That Night (Gormenghast Drift V. 5.2)
8. Either Or The Survivor |
Michael Karoli & Polly
(1984) LP & CD
LP |
Shouting Stars
2. Yours & Mine
3. You're The Driver
4. One Thing (Or The Other)
5. Fear of Losing Control
6. Home Truths
7. Sentimental
8. The Lake
9. Deluge (The River)
Kutt 1-3 kun på
CD-utgivelsen |
CD |
Jaki Liebezeit:
Phantom Band
Phantom Band
(1980) LP
1. You
Inspired Me
2. I'm The One
3. For M.
4. Phantom Drums
5. Absolutely Straight
6. Rolling
7. Without Desire
8. No More Fooling
9. Pulsar
10. Latest News |
Freedom of Speech
(1981) LP ?/5
Freedom of Speech
2. E.F.
3. Brain Police
4. No Question
5. Relax
6. Gravity
7. Trapped Again
8. Experiments
9. Dream Machine
10. Dangerous Conversation |
(1984) CD
Loading Zone
2. Planned Obsolescence
3. Mindprobe
4. Morning Alarm
5. Weird Love
6. Neon Man
7. Positive Day
8. Nervous Breakdown
9. The Party
10. George The Space Monster
11. This Is The Rule
12. Cricket Talk
13. Nowhere |
Club Off Chaos
Club Off Chaos
(1998) CD
2. Amphaze
3. Gottgleicher A.M.
4. Chichirillo
5. 565 F.S.
6. Hades
7. Sprachlos
8. MSL |
The Change of The Century
(1998) CD ?/5
1. Kama
2. Hellowien
3. Numinös
4. DF
5. Kickerrii
6. BPF
7. Brusel
8. Migro
9. Amuwada |
Par et Impar
(2003) DBL-CD
Edition of 3000 copies
CD 1
2. Odlgl
3. 7r
4. Gloop
5. Mr. Jeux
6. 7vendrass
7. Croissant
8. End.O.Line
9. Caput
10. (Ikke navnsatt) |
CD 2 (Live)
COC-Live #1
2. COC-Live #2
3. COC-Live #3
4. COC-Live #4 & #5
5. COC-Live #6
6. COC-Live #7
7. COC-Live #8
8. COC-Live #9
9. COC-Live #10 |
Burnt Friedman & Jaki
Secret Rhythms 1
(2002) CD
1. Rhein
2. Rechter Winkel
3. Royal Roost
4. Shades of Soddin Orion
5. Rastafahndung
6. Gulli Verreisen
7. Wirklich
8. Obscured By 5, short version
9. Obscured By 5, nonplace remix
10. Obscured By 5, extended |
Michael Rother
Michael Rother
> Neu
> Kraftwerk
(1982) CD 4/5
Jaki Liebezeit på trommer
2. Elfenbein
3. Erlkönig
4. Fortuna
5. Klangkörper
6. Hohe Luft
7. Fernwärme |