Soloutgivelser & sideprosjekter:
Rain Tree Crow
| David Sylvian
| Nine Horses
| Mick Karn |
Dalis Car |
| The Dolphin
Brothers |
Steve Jansen & Richard Barbieri |
Porcupine Tree
Japan besto av
vokalist og frontfigur David Sylvian (David Batt), bassist Mick
Karn, trommeslager og Davids bror Steve Jansen (Steve Batt),
keyboardist Richard Barbieri og gitarist Rob Dean. De ble venner i
skoleårene og ble raskt regnet som avvikere da de utviklet
interesse for sminke og glorete klær. Redningen ble musikken, og glam-rock bandet Japan ble dannet i 1974. Først etter fire år fikk
de sin første platekontrakt og bandets to første albumer, "Adolescent
Sex" og "Obscure Alternatives", ble utgitt i 1978. Her fikk man
høre et utforskende band med noe uklare musikalske uttrykk. Få
sanger på disse albumene vitnet om musikalsk storhet, kanskje med
unntak av tittelkuttet på Obscure Alternatives. Albumene ble ingen
suksess, bortsett fra i Japan hvor bandet raskt fikk høy status. I
ettertid har da også Sylvian & Co nærmest fornektet albumene, mye
på samme måte som Kraftwerk i senere år har behandlet sine første
utgivelser. Ved utgivelsen av deres tredje album, "Quiet Life", i
1980 begynte ting å skje. Japan hadde nå forandret seg til et mer
sofistikert og stilsikkert band. Sylvians stemme hadde fått noe av
sin dype fløyelsklang som ofte, men urettferdig, blir beskylt for
å plagiere Bryan Ferry eller David Bowie. Musikken var nå mer
laid-back. Senere samme året kom deres fjerde album, "Gentlemen Take Polaroids", hvor det nå også ble benyttet elementer og
lydkulisser fra østens musikk. Med disse to utgivelsene hadde
Japan endelig klart å opparbeide seg en velfortjent status.
Sylvians stemme og evner som låtskriver, Karns utrolige spill på
sine båndløse (fretless) basser, Jansens særegne tromming og
Barbieris synth-atmosfærer hadde omsider åpnet øynene på
rockpublikumet. Deans gitar ble mer og mer diffus i Japans sound
og klarte aldri å oppta en sentral rolle i musikken. Om dette
faktum var avgjørende for at Dean nå forlot bandet er uklart men
ved utgivelsen av Japans siste og mest suksessfulle album, "Tin
Drum", i 1981 var bandet nå redusert fra kvintett til kvartett.
Det lille som var igjen av gitar ble nå utført av Sylvian. På Tin
Drum ble bandets interesse for japansk og kinesisk musikk
ytterligere forsterket og musikken hadde fått en mer markert sound
med avanserte rytme- og basselementer. Med låtene "Visions of
China" og "Ghosts" oppnådde Japan sin største kommersielle
suksess. Etter denne utgivelsen ble kjemien i bandet forurenset av
indre uro og Japan ble oppløst i 1982. Rivalisering og kunstnerisk
uenighet mellom Sylvian og Karn ble Japans bane. Savnet etter
Japan skulle imidlertid ikke bli langvarig. Alle medlemmene,
hovedsaklig Sylvian og Karn, skulle bli gode bidragsytere med
soloprosjekter fremover. Til tross for problemene i 1982 klarte
ex-Japan likevel å samle seg rundt et nytt prosjekt; "Rain Tree
Crow", med en utgivelse av samme navn som ble utgitt i 1991. En mer
flyktig og atmosfærisk utgivelse enn Japan men svært vellykket.
Etter et samarbeid med japaneren Ryuichi Sakamoto som resulterte i
et par singleutgivelser, blant annet "Forbidden Colours" som ble
brukt i filmen "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence" med David Bowie,
kom David Sylvians første soloalbum, "Brilliant Trees" i 1984. Elemeter fra Japans sound var fortsatt hørbart men musikken var mer ambient og inneholdt tydelige jazzstrukturer. Her samarbeidet
Sylvian dessuten med storheter innenfor eksperimentell og ambient
musikk som Holger Czukay og Jon Hassell i tillegg til Sakamoto.
Tekstmessig hadde Sylvian beveget seg over i poesien med svevende
og såre tekster spunnet inn i et vakkert og sart lydbilde. Sylvian
har deretter gitt ut relativt få men jevnt over behagelige plater.
"Secrets of The Beehive" fra 1987 regnes av mange som Sylvians
musikalske høydepunkt. Alle har i større eller mindre grad vært en
naturlig fortsettelse av Brilliant Trees. På samleutgivelsen "Camphor" fra
2002 bidrar blant annet norske Nils Petter Molvær på ett kutt.
Sylvians siste prosjekt, "Snow Borne Sorrow" fra 2005, ble gitt ut
under navnet "Nine Horses". Igjen et umisskjennelig Sylvian-produkt og et kvalitetsmessig fremskritt i forhold til
sine siste, rene soloutgivelser. Særlig tittelkuttet viser storhet
og Sylvians stemme har aldri vært bedre. I tillegg til
soloprosjektene kan man også lytte til samarbeidsutgivelser med
Holger Czukay fra Can og Robert Fripp fra King Crimson.
Utgivelsene med Czukay er i hovedsak lange maleriske musikkstykker
mens de mer interessante samarbeidsprosjektene med Fripp ligger
nærmere tradisjonell rock med Fripps umisskjennelige gitar som et
gjennomgående, viktig element. En heller uinteressant utgivelse,
"World Citizen" i samarbeid med Sakamoto, ble utgitt i 2003.
Mick Karn startet sin solokarriere med "Titles" i 1982. Dette
var nærmest et pop-album med tildels fengende låter blandet med
Karns sære basspill. Utgivelsene deretter har i større grad hatt
hovedfokus på instrumentale låter, kun unntaksvis med vokal. Karns
musikk er ofte svært eksperimentell og progressiv. Det kan være en
utfordring å tilnærme seg Karns univers men samtidig fascinerende
lytting. Båndløs bass med en viss gummiklang danner oftest et
komplekst bakteppe til underlige melodier. Sax er Karns andre
hovedinstrument og benyttes hyppig. Høydepunkt fra karrieren må
være "Bestial Cluster" fra 1992 og "More Better Different"
fra 2003. I tillegg har Karn deltatt på flere
samarbeids-prosjekter. Med Jansen og Barbieri fra Japan, David Torn og
Terry Bozzio (fra Zappa-band), Midge Ure fra Ultravox, japaneren
Hanno Yoshihiro, Andy Rinehart og sist men ikke minst Peter Murphy fra Bauhaus på
et prosjekt som gikk under navnet "Dalis Car". Dalis Car ga ut en
LP, "The Waking Hour", i 1984 og var et svært vellykket prosjekt.
Karn deltok forøvrig på Gary Numans album "Dance" og han har
arbeidet med Kate Bush, blant annet til hennes siste album "Aerial".
Hans bidrag ble dessverre ikke valgt på den ferdige utgivelsen. I
tillegg til musikk har Karn også klart å oppnå en viss
anerkjennelse som skulptør.
Trommeslager Steve Jansen og keyboardist Richard Barbieri har
holdt en noe lavere profil etter oppløsningen av Japan. Begge har
vært studiomusikere til flere av Sylvians og Karns soloutgivelser.
De har flere utgivelser bak seg, enten som "Jansen & Barbieri"
eller "The Dolphin Brothers", men også sammen med Mick Karn (JBK)
og andre mer ukjente samarbeidsparnere. Jansens og Barbieris
har sjelden høstet mange lovord, så den store suksessen har
uteblitt. Låtene var rett og slett for svake og Jansens forsøk som
vokalist bør helst glemmes. Særlig "Catch The Fall" fra 1987 med The Dolphin Brothers fikk mye fortjent juling av kritikerne. Unntak må være
"Worlds In
A Small Room" fra 1986, "Stories Across Borders" fra 1991,
"_ism" fra 1999,
Pulseutgivelsene til Jansen fra
98-99 og "Changing
Hands" fra 1997 med Jansen, Barbieri og Takemura som faktisk er et
bra utgivelser. Richard Barbieri har kun bidratt med et par rene
soloutgivelser. "Things
Buried" fra 2004 er en sterk halvambient utgivelse.
Richard Barbieri ble i 1993 fullverdig medlem av progrock-bandet
Porcupine Tree.
Bandets første utgivelse kom året før. Frem til i dag har
Porcupine Tree gitt ut en rekke albumer og opparbeidet seg et godt
omdømme innen stilarten. Personlig synes jeg nok at bandet er i
overkant "arty", noe som også gjenspeiles i låttitler og
coverdesign. Den relativt røffe musikken bryter sterkt med
Barbieris image som sky og stillferdig. Gitarist Rob Dean ble i 1982
medlem av synthpop bandet Vivabeat. Han har også jobbet sporadisk
med Jansen & Barbieri og han bidro med gitar på ett kutt på Gary
Numans album "Dance" og på Sinéad O'Connors debutalbum "The Lion
And The Cobra". |
Nytt på denne side:
Adolescent Sex
(1978) LP 4,5/5
2. The Unconventional
3. Wish You Were Black
4. Performance
5. Lovers On Main Street
6. Don't Rain On My Parade
7. Suburban Love
8. Adolescent Sex
9. Communist China
10. Television |
Obscure Alternatives
(1978) LP 3/5
Automatic Gun
2. ....Rhodesia
3. Love Is Infectious
4. Sometimes I Feel So Low
5. Obscure Alternatives
6. Deviation
7. Suburban Berlin
8. The Tenant |
Quiet Life
(1980) LP
1. Quiet
2. Fall In Love With Me
3. Despair
4. In-Vouge
5. Halloween
6. All Tomorrows Parties
7. Alien
8. The Other Side of Life |
Gentlemen Take Polaroids
(1980) LP
Gentlemen Take Polaroids
2. Swing
3. Some Kind of Fool
4. My New Career
5. Methods of Dance
6. Ain't That Peculiar
7. Nightporter
8. Taking Islands In Africa |
Gentlemen Take Polaroids
(1980) 7" DBL-Single
Single 1
1. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
2. The Experience of Swimming |
Single 2
1. The Width of A Room
2. Burning Bridges |
(1981) LP
Adolescent Sex
2. Stateline
3. Communist China
4. ...Rhodesia
5. Suburban Berlin
6. Life In Tokyo
7. European Son
8. All Tomorrows Parties
9. Quiet Life
10. I Second That Emotion |
(1981) LP
1. The
Art of Parties
2. Talking Drum
3. Ghosts
4. Canton
5. Still Life In Mobile Homes
6. Visions of China
7. Sons of Pioneers
8. Cantonese Boy |
Visions of China
(1981) 12" Single
Visions of China
2. Swing |
European Son
(1981) 12" Single
European Son (Extended remix)
2. Alien |
I Second That Emotion
(1981) 7" Single
1. I
Second That Emotion
2. Quiet Life |
I Second That Emotion
(1982) 12" Single
1. I
Second That Emotion
2. Halloween |
All Tomorrow Parties
(1981) 7" Single
1. All
Tomorrows Parties
2. In Vogue (live) |
Cantonese Boy
(1981) 7" DBL-Single
Single 1
1. Cantonese Boy
2. Burning Bridges |
Single 2
1. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
2. The Experience of Swimming |
The Art of Parties
(1981) 7" Single
1. The
Art of Parties
2. Life Without Buildings |
(1981) 7" Single
1. Ghosts
2. The Art of Parties (version) |
(1982) 12" Single
1. Ghosts
2. The Art of Parties (version) |
(1981) LP Bootleg
1. Swing
2. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
3. Alien
4. Rhodesia
5. Quiet Life
6. My New Career
7. Taking Islands In Africa
8. Methods of Dance
9. Ain't That Peculiar
10. Halloween
11. European Son |
Performance At Drury Lane
22nd December 1981
(1981)? DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Canton
2. Swing
3. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
4. Alien
5. Talking Drum
6. Visions of China
7. Quiet Life
8. My New Career
9. Ghosts - Part 1 |
LP 2
1. Cantonese Boy
2. Methods of Dance
3. Still Life In Mobile Homes
4. European Son
5. The Art of Parties
6. Life In Tokyo
7. Fall In Love With Me
8. Canton |
Visions of China
(1981)? Trippel-LP
1. Overture
2. Burning Bridges
3. Sons of Pioneers
4. Alien
5. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
6. Swing
7. Cantonese Boy
8. Visions of China
LP 2
1. Nightporter
2. Ghosts
3. Still Life In Mobile Homes |
Methods of Dance
5. Quiet Life
6. European Son
LP 3
1. The Art of Parties
2. Bamboo Music
3. Island In Africa
4. Life In Tokyo
5. Canton
6. Good Night
+ 'Sound Street' radio program,
D.J. Riuichi Sakamoto,
Guest: David Sylvian & Steve Jansen |
(1982) 7" Single
2. Ain't That Peculiar |
(1982) 12" Single
2. Methods of Dance |
Oil On Canvas
(1983) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Oil On Canvas
2. Sons of Pioneers
3. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
4. Swing
5. Cantonese Boy
6. Visions of China
7. Ghosts
8. Voices Raised In Welcome, Hands
Held In Prayer |
LP 2
1. Nightporter
2. Still Life In Mobile Homes
3. Methods of Dance
4. Quiet Life
5. The Art of Parties
6. Canton
7. Temple of Dawn |
(1983) 7" Single
1. Canton
2. Visions of China |
(1983) 12" Single
1. Canton
2. Visions of China |
Instant Pictures/Oil On
(1983)? DVD Bootleg
1. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
2. Cantonese Boy
3. Swing
4. Still Life In Mobile Homes
5. Nightporter
6. Canton
7. Visions of China
8. Red Guitar
9. The Ink In The Well
10. Silver Moon
8-10 David Sylvian solo |
Oil On
11. Overture (Burning Bridges)
12. Sons of Pioneers
13. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
14. Swing
15. Cantonese Boy
16. Visions of China
17. Canton
18. Ghosts
19. Still Life In Mobile Homes
20. Methods of Dance
21. The Art of Parties
Live |
The Very Best of
(2006) DVD
Promotional videos:
1. Life In Tokyo
2. Quiet Life
3. I Second That Emotion
4. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
5. Swing
6. Visions of China
7. Night Porter
Oil On Canvas -
Live from Hammersmith Odeon, 1983:
8. Overture (Burning Bridges)
9. Sons of Pioneers
10. Gentlemen Take Polaroids
11. Swing
12. Cantonese Boy
13. Visions of China
14. Canton
15. Ghosts
16. Still Life In Mobile Homes
17. Methods of Dance
18. Art of Parties
19. Voices Raised In Welcome, Hands Held In Prayer |
Rain Tree Crow
Rain Tree Crow
(1991) LP
1. Big
Wheels In Shanty Town
2. Every Colour You Are
3. Rain Tree Crow
4. Red Earth (as summertime ends)
5. Pocket Full of Change
6. Boat's For Burning
7. New Moon At Red Deer Wallow
8. Blackwater
9. A Reassuringly Dull Sunday
10. Blackcrow Hits Shoe Shine City
11. Scratchings On The Bible Belt
12. Cries And Whispers |
David Sylvian
Brilliant Trees
(1984) LP
Pulling Punches
2. The Ink In The Well
3. Nostalgia
4. Red Guitar
5. Weathered Wall
6. Backwaters
7. Brilliant Trees |
Red Guitar
(1984) 7" Single
1. Red
2. Forbidden Colours (Version) |
Red Guitar
(1984) 12" Single
1. Red
Guitar (Full length version)
2. Forbidden Colours (Version) |
The Ink In The Well
(1984) 12" Single
1. The
Ink In The Well
2. Weathered Wall (Instrumental) |
Words With The Shaman
(1985) 12" Single
Jon Hassell, Steve Jansen & Holger Czukay
> Jon
> Holger Czukay
Ancient Evening
2. Incantation
3. Awakening (Songs From The Tree Tops) |
Gone To Earth
(1986) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Taking The Veil
2. Laughter & Forgetting
3. Before The Bullfight
4. Gone To Earth
5. Wave
6. River Man
7. Silver Moon |
LP 2
1. The Healing Place
2. Answered Prayers
3. Where The Railroad Meets The Sea
4. The Wooden Cross
5. Silver Moon Over Sleeping Steeples
6. Camp Fire: Coyote Country
7. A Bird of Prey Vanishes Into A Bright
Blue Cloudless Sky
8. Home
9. Sunlight Seen Through Towering Trees
10. Upon This Earth |
Taking The Veil
(1986) 7" Single
1. Taking
The Veil
2. Answered Prayers |
Taking The Veil
(1986) 12" Single
1. Taking
The Veil
2. Answered Prayers
3. A Bird of Prey Vanishes Into A Bright Blue Cloudless Sky |
Secrets of The Beehive
(1987) CD
2. The Boy With The Gun
3. Maria
4. Orpheus
5. The Devil's Own
6. When Poets Dreamed of Angels
7. Mother And Child
8. Let The Happiness In
9. Waterfront
10. Promise (The Cult of Erydice) |
Dead Bees On A Cake
(1999) CD 2,5/5
1. I
2. Dobro #1
3. Midnight Sun
4. Thalhiem
5. God Man
6. Alphabet Angel
7. Krishna Blue
8. The Shining of Things
9. Café Europa
10. Pollen Path
11. All of My Mother's Names
12. Wanderlust
13. Praise
14. Darkest Dreaming |
Approaching Silence
(1999) CD
1. The
Beekeeper's Apprentice
2. Epiphany
3. Approaching Silence |
Everything And Nothing
(2000) DBL-CD
En samling
med eldre, tidligere ikke utgitte låter og alternative mikser, fra både solokarriere og årene med
1. The Scent of Magnolia
2. Heartbeat (Tainai Kaiki II)
3. Blackwater
4. Albuquerque (Dobro #6)
5. Ride
6. The Golden Way
7. Ghosts
8. Pop Song
9. Every Colour You Are
10. Wanderlust
11. God's Monkey
12. Let The Happiness In
13. I Surrender
14. Thoroughly Lost To Logic |
CD 2
1. Jean The Birdman
2. Cover Me With Flowers
3. The Boy With The Gun
4. Riverman
5. Aparna And Nimisha (Dobro #5)
6. Midnight Sun
7. Orpheus
8. Some Kind of Fool
9. Cries And Whispers
10. Godman
11. Laughter And Forgetting
12. Buoy
13. Weathered Wall
14. Bamboo Houses
15. Come Morning |
(2002) CD 1,5/5
En ny
samling med eldre, tidligere ikke utgitte låter og alternative
1. All of
My Mother's Names
2. Red Earth (as summertime ends)
3. Answered Prayers
4. The Song Which Gives The Key To Perfection
5. New Moon At Red Deer Wallow
6. Praise (Pratah Smarami)
7. Wave
8. Mother And Child
9. Plight
10. Upon This Earth
11. Big Wheels In Shanty Town
12. The Healing Place
13. Camphor
14. A Brief Conversation Ending In Divorce |
(2003) CD
2. The Good Son
3. The Only Daughter
4. The Heart Knows Better
5. She Is Not
6. Late Night Shopping
7. How Little We Need To Be Happy
8. A Fire In The Forest |
The Good Son vs The Only
Daughter: The Blemish Remixes
(2004) CD
1. The
Only Daughter
2. Blemish
3. The Heart Knows Better
4. A Fire In The Forest
5. The Good Son
6. Late Night Shopping
7. How Little We Need To Be Happy
8. The Only Daughter
9. Blemish |
When Loud Weather
Buffeted Naoshima
(2007) CD ?/5
composition from David that was commissioned as an installation piece
by the Naoshima Fukutake Art Museum Foundation on the island of
Naoshima, Japan as part of the NAOSHIMA STANDARD 2 exhibition which
ran from Oct 2006 to April 2007.
This release will only be made available in a limited edition format
for a limited time after which it will be deleted from the catalogue."
1. When
Loud Weather Buffeted |
Nine Horses
Snow Borne Sorrow
(2005) CD
Wonderful World
2. Darkest Birds
3. The Banality
4. Atom And Cell
5. A History of Holes
6. Snow Borne Sorrow
7. The Day The Earth Stole Heaven
8. Serotonin
9. The Librarian |
Money For All
(2006) CD-EP
1. Money
For All
2. Get The Bell Out
3. The Banality of Evil (Burnt Friedman Remix)
4. Wonderful World (Burnt Friedman Remix)
5. Birds Sing For Their Lives
6. Serotonin (Burnt Friedman Remix)
7. Money For All (version)
8. Get The Hell Out (Burnt Friedman Remix) |
David Sylvian / Ryuichi
Bamboo Houses
(1982) 12" Single
1. Bamboo
2. Bamboo Music |
Forbidden Colours
(1983) 7" Single
Forbidden Colours
2. The Seed And The Sower |
Forbidden Colours
(1983) 12" Single
Forbidden Colours
2. The Seed And The Sower
3. Last Regrets |
World Citizen
(2003) CD ?/5
1. World
Citizen (short version)
2. World Citizen - I Won't Be Disappointed (short version)
3. World Citizen (long version)
4. World Citizen - I Won't Be Disappointed (long version)
5. World Citizen (Ryoji Ikeda remix) |
David Sylvian / Holger Czukay
Holger Czukay
Plight & Premonition
(1988) CD
Plight (The Spiralling of Winter Ghosts)
2. Premonition (Giant Empty Iron Vessel) |
Flux + Mutability
(1989) CD
1. Flux
2. Mutability |
David Sylvian / Robert Fripp
> King
Sunday All Over The World
The First Day
(1993) CD
1. God's
2. Jean The Birdman
3. Firepower
4. Brightness Falls
5. 20th Century Dreaming (A Shaman's Song)
6. Darshan (The Road To Graceland)
7. Bringing Down The Light |
(1993) CD 2/5
Darshan (The Road To Graceland) (Transluctent remix by The Grid)
2. Darshan (Re-constructed by The Future Sound of London at
Earthbeat Studios)
3. Darshan (The Road To Graceland) |
(1994) CD
CD-omslag |
CD-cover |
1. Damage
2. God's Monkey
3. Brightness Falls
4. Every Colour You Are
5. Firepower
6. Gone To Earth
7. 20th Century Dreaming
8. Wave
9. Riverman
10. Darshan (The Road To Graceland)
11. Blinding Light of Heaven
12. The First Day |
Live In Japan
(1998) DVD
1. God's
2. Brightness Falls
3. Every Colour You Are
4. Jean The Birdman
5. Firepower
6. Damage
7. Exposure
8. Gone To Earth
9. 20th Century Dreaming
10. Wave
11. Riverman
12. Darshan (The Road To Graceland)
13. The First Day
14. Blinding Light of Heaven |
(1982) LP
1. Tribal
2. Lost Affections In A Room
3. Passion In Moisture
4. Weather The Windmill
5. Saviour, Are You With Me?
6. Trust Me
7. Sensitive
8. Piper Blue |
Dreams of Reason Produce
(1987) LP 2,5/5
1. First
2. Language of Ritual
3. Buoy
4. Land
5. The Three Fates
6. When Love Walks In
7. Dreams of Reason
8. Answer |
Bestial Cluster
(1993) CD
Bestial Cluster
2. Back In The Beginning
3. Beard In The Letterbox
4. The Drowning Dream
5. The Sad Velvet Breath of Summer And Winter
6. Saday, Maday
7. Liver And Lungs
8. Bones of Mud |
The Tooth Mother
(1995) CD
Thundergirl Mutation
2. Plaster The Magic Tongue
3. Lodge of Skins
4. Gossip's Cup
5. Feta Funk
6. The Tooth Mother
7. Little - Less Hope
8. There Was Not Anything But Nothing |
The Mick Karn Collector's
(1996) CD
Samling med alternative mikser og ubenyttet materiale fra The Tooth
1. Little
- Less Hope
2. Bestial Cluster (alternative edits)
3. Bandaged By Dreams
4. Feta Funk
5. Liver And Lungs (alternative mix)
6. Saday, Maday
7. Corridor
8. House of Home
9. Drawings We Have Lived (unreleased)
10. Red Sleep
11. There Was Not Anything But Nothing |
Each Eye A Path
(2000) CD 2,5/5
1. Up To
2. The Salmon of Knowledge
3. Latin Mastock
4. The Forgotten Puppeteer
5. My Mrs T
6. Angel's Got A Lotus
7. Serves You Rice
8. The Night We Never Met
9. Venus Monkey
10. Left Big |
Each Path A Remix
(2002) CD
Outtakes og alternative mikser fra Each Eye A Path
1. The
Never Forgotten Night We Met The Puppeteer
2. Electric Monkey
3. TFP
4. Hong Kong Mastock
5. Knowledge Suspended
6. Re-Nil
7. Angel's In The Asylum
8. Puppeteer Night
9. Big Left |
More Better Different
(2003) CD
1. The
2. Atyan B-Boot
3. It's His Birthday This Year
4. Never Thought
5. The Show
6. The End Gag
7. Wishy-Washy Wishing
8. Pulsating Puddles
9. Great Day In The Morning |
Love's Glove
(2005) CD-EP
Mustard Grapes
2. Outline ... Sandcastle
3. Milk The Filthy
4. Regretted |
Of & About
(2006) CD-Single
1. Of &
About (Single version)
2. All You Have (Single version)
3. The Edge of Charm |
Three Part Species
(2006) CD
1. Of &
2. Twitchy Hand Mover
3. Floating Home
4. All You Have
5. I'll Be There, Dreaming
6. Red Film
7. Chocolate Was A Boy
8. Pitta Pop
9. The Wrong Truth
10. Regretted |
Midge Ure / Mick Karn
After A Fashion
(1983) 7" Single
1. After
A Fashion
2. Textures |
After A Fashion
(1983) 12" Single
1. After
A Fashion
2. Textures |
> Bauhaus
The Waking Hour
(1984) LP
1. Dalis
2. His Box
3. Cornwall Stone
4. Artemis
5. Create And Melt
6. Moonlife
7. The Judgement Is The Mirror |
The Judgement Is The
(1984) 12" Single
1. The
Judgement Is The Mirror
2. High Places
3. Lifelong Moment |
(Jansen / Barbieri / Karn)
Beginning To Melt
(1993) CD 2/5
Beginning To Melt
2. The Wilderness
3. March of The Innocents
4. Human Age
5. Shipwrecks
6. Ego Dance
7. The Orange Asylum |
(1999) CD
1. The
Shallow Pool
2. To The Core
3. Sacrifice
4. Cold Light
5. Carry The Ashes
6. Red Track Dance
7. Beast Haunted
8. Alone In His Shoes
9. Found In A Shell of Murmurs |
Medium Label Sampler
(1999) CD
1. Spaced
(Jansen - Barbieri - Takemura)
2. Traveller's Diary (Yoshihiro Hanno - Mick Karn)
3. The Shallow Pool (JBK)
4. The Choice (reinforced mix) (Pulse)
5. A Disturbed Sense of Distance (Jansen - Barbieri)
6. Mother London (Jansen - Barbieri)
7. Only Forward (Indigo Falls)
8. Beginning To Melt (JBK)
9. Life's Like That (Pulse)
10. Life Without Buildings (Live) (JBK) |
Playing In A Room With
(2001) CD
2. Big Wheels In Shanty Town
3. Saday Maday
4. Lodge of Skins
5. When Things Dream
6. Bestial Cluster
7. The Night Gives Birth
8. Long Tales, Tall Shadows
9. Plaster The Magic Tongue
10. Types of Ambiguity |
David Torn / Mick Karn
/ Terry Bozzio
Frank Zappa
> U.K.
(1994) CD 3/5
1. Honey
2. Palms For Lester
3. Open Letter To The Heart of Diaphora
4. Bandaged By Dreams
5. Warrior Horsemen of The Sprint Thundering Over
Hills of Doubt To A Place of Hope
6. Snail Hair Dune
7. This Is The Abduction Scene
8. Red Sleep
9. Res Majuko
10. City of The Dead |
Yoshihiro Hanno / Mick Karn
Liquid Glass
(2000) CD
Limited edition; nummerert 905/2000
Traveler's Diary
2. Seafall
3. Primitive Water
4. A Boy With Wings
5. Dialogue l ll lll
6. Stereoscope
7. Lunette
8. Sail And Wind |
(1981) LP (2/5)
Mick Karn
bidrar med bass
Slowcar To China
2. Night Talk
3. A Subway Called 'You'
4. Cry, The Clock Said
5. She's Got Claws
6. Crash
7. Boys Like Me
8. Stories
9. My Brothers Time
10. You Are, You Are
11. Moral |
Andy Rinehart
Jason's Chord
(1993) CD ?/5
Karn som gjestebassist
1. Being
2. Stone Diamond
3. House of Home
4. Joan's Bones
5. Pedal Up
6. Fortune Cookie Dinner
7. Jason And Martha
8. Book of Rules
9. Romantique |
The Dolphin Brothers
Catch The Fall
(1987) LP 3/5
1. Catch
The Fall
2. Shining
3. Second Sight
4. Love That You Need
5. Real Life, Real Answers
6. Host To The Holy
7. My Winter
8. Pushing The River |
Steve Jansen
(2007) CD
1. Grip
2. Cancelled Pieces
3. December Train
4. Sow The Salt
5. Gap of Cloud
6. Playground Martyrs
7. A Way of Disappearing
8. Ballad of A Deadman
9. Conservation Over
10. Life Moves On
11. Playground Martyrs (reprise) |
Steve Jansen / Richard
Worlds In A Small Room
(1986) LP
Breaking The Silence
2. Toys
3. Blue Lines
4. Mission
5. The Way The Light Falls
6. Balance
7. Moving Circles
8. Distant Fire |
Stories Across Borders
(1991) CD
1. Long
Tales, Tall Shadows
2. When Things Dream
3. Lumen
4. The Insomniac's Bed
5. The Night Gives Birth
6. Celebration
7. Nocturnal Sightseeing
8. One More Zombie |
Other Worlds In A Small Room
(1995) CD ?/5
Remains of A Fragile Illusion
2. Light Years
3. A Disturbed Sense of Distance
4. Breaking The Silence
5. Blue Lines
6. The Way The Light Falls
7. Distant Fire |
Stone To Flesh
(1995) CD 2,5/5
1. Mother
2. Sleepers Awake
3. Ringing The Bell Backwards
Part 1 - Siren
Part 2 - Drift
4. Swim There
5. Closer Than 'i'
6. Everything Ends In Darkness |
Yukihiro Takahashi and
Steve Jansen
(1991) CD-Single
1. Stay
2. Betsu-Ni
3. Stay Close (Weirder World) |
(Steve Jansen &
Yukihiro Takahashi)
(1998) CD
1. Life's
Like That
2. The Choice
3. Wave
4. Memory Without Consequence
5. A River Dry
6. Prayer of Gold |
Pulse Remix
(1999) CD
1. The
Choice - 4 Hero (Reinforced Mix)
2. Life's Like That - Spacer (Vocal Mix)
3. Memory Without Consequence - Reflection (Interpolated Mix)
4. Wave - DJ Spooky (Unkut Modular Ekstasis Remix)
5. A River Dry - Fantastic Plastic Machine (A River Dry [The
Girl From South])
6. Prayer of Gold - Steve Jansen (Decomposer Mix)
7. The Choice - 4 Hero (Electra Groove Mix) |
Steve Jansen | Claudio
(1999) CD
til russiske Dziga Vertovs stumfilm "The Man With The Movie Camera"
fra 1929. Innspilt live i Milano, Italia.
Indigo Falls
(Richard Barbieri &
Suzanne J. Barbieri)
Indigo Falls
(1997) CD 2/5
1. Only
2. World's End
3. Feed The Fire
4. Falling Into Years
5. The Wilderness
6. Towards The Light
7. Sky Fall |
Jansen · Barbieri · Takemura
Changing Hands
(1997) CD
1. Sun
Trap In The Sea
2. Subtle Bodies
3. At Eleven
4. Spaced
5. Empty Orchestra
6. The Children Gathering Around The Lake
7. At Eleven (remix) |
Richard Barbieri
Things Buried
(2004) CD
1. Nevada
2. Fear And Trembling
3. Light On Glass
4. Drops of Mercury
5. Flaw
6. Medication Time
7. Red Square
8. Path Not Taken |
Porcupine Tree
(2002) CD 4/5
European version including bonus CD with 3 extra tracks"
CD 1
1. Blackest Eyes
2. Trains
3. Lips of Ashes
4. The Sound of Muzak
5. Gravity Eyelids
6. Wedding Nails
7. Prodigal
8. 3
9. The Creator Has A Mastertape
10. Heartattach In A Lay By
11. Strip The Soul
12. Collapse The Light Into Earth |
CD 2
1. Drown With Me
2. Chloroform
3. Strip The Soul (Video edit) |
(2004) CD 4/5
Live -
Opptak fra polsk radio 2001
1. Even
2. Slave Called Shiver
3. Shesmovedon
4. Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth....
5. Lightbulb Sun
6. Russia On Ice
7. Where We Would Be
8. Hatesong
9. Stop Swimming
10. Voyage 34
11. Signify |
(2004) DBL-CD
"This 2004
re-issue on Snapper Music contains a second disc of demos from the
Signify sessions, titled Insignificance. It is a remaster of a
cassette originally available only to subscribers of the Porcupine
Tree info service "Transmission"."
Ordinær førsteutgave fra 1997
CD 1
1. Bornlivedie
2. Signify
3. The Sleep of No Dreaming
4. Pagan
5. Waiting Phase One
6. Waiting Phase Two
7. Sever
8. Idiot Prayer
9. Every Home Is Wired
10. Intermediate Jesus
11. "Light Mass Prayers"
12. Dark Matter |
CD 2
1. Wake As Gun I
2. Hallogallo
3. Signify
4. Waiting
5. Smiling Not Smiling
6. Wake As Gun II
7. Neural Rust
8. Dark Origins
9. Sever Tomorrow
10. Nine Cats - acoustic version |
Stupid Dream
(2006) CD + DVDA 4,5/5
"The album
was re-released on May 15, 2006. It was released as both a 2 disc
CD/DVD-A set, and double vinyl LP, but the double vinyl LP is only
available through Burning Shed, the official Porcupine Tree store. The
CD contains a new mix of the album by S. Wilson, and the DVDA contains
two 5.1 surround mixes, two bonus tracks and the video for "Piano
Ordinær førsteutgave, med annet cover, fra 1999
CD-omslag |
1. Even Less
2. Piano Lessons
3. Stupid Dream
4. Pure Narcotic
5. Slave Called Shiver
6. Don't Hate Me
7. This Is No Rehearsal
8. Baby Dream In Cellophane
9. Stranger By The Minute
10. A Smart Kid
11. Tinto Brass
12. Stop Swimming
1-12 som CD
13. Ambulance Chasing
14. Even Less - full length version
15. Piano Lessons - video |
CD cover |
Fear of A Blank Planet
(2007) CD
1. Fear
of A Blank Planet
2. My Ashes
3. Anesthetize
4. Sentimental
5. Way Out of Here
6. Sleep Together |
We Lost The Skyline
(2007) LP ?/5
"Limited edition 180 grams marbled vinyl album" - Live uten Richard
Barbieri - 0454/1000
1. The
Sky Moves Sideways
2. Even Less
3. Stars Die
4. Waiting
5. Normal
6. Drown With Me
7. Lazarus
8. Trains |
Nicola Alesini &
Pier Luigi Andreoni
Marco Polo Volume II
(1998) CD (?/5)
Med Steve
Jansen, Richard Barbieri, Roger Eno, Harold Budd og David Torn
1. Across
The Cities
2. Tabriz
3. Indiablue
4. The Valley of Pamir (2nd Day)
5. Khanbaligh
6. Kimar
7. Kamandi
8. Erzindjian
9. Tibet
10. I Giovani Cantori di San Giovanni D'Acri
11. Ritorno a Venezia
12. The Marco Polo Multimedia Track |
A Tourist's Guide To Japan
Arthur A. Pitt (1982)
oversikt over bandets historie med diskografi og mange fotos. |