Stan Ridgway
Andy Prieboy
| Marc Moreland |
Hecate's Angels
Wall of Voodoo med Stan
of Voodoo med Andy
På midten av
80-tallet hørte jeg ofte på Harald Are Lund på NRK radio. Ved
flere anledninger spilte han musikk med et band som hadde en vokalist
med en stemme som var både ekstremt nasal og med en ekstrem aksent. Stemmen
tilhørte Stan Ridgway i Wall of
Voodoo som hakket og gryntet ut sine, til dels, svært fengende sanger.
Gruppens kanskje største hit, "Mexican Radio", var en genistrek som
nesten mangler sidestykke. En dampende sang som raser av sted i
et voldsomt tempo. Opprinnelig laget WOV musikk til
B-skrekkfilmer, korte instrumentalsnutter som på de første platene
ofte danner lydbilder mellom sangene. WOV's sound spinner rundt
Ridgways stemme og hans sure munnspill og bandets bidrag med stakkato,
sprettende rytmer, gitar og inntrykket av billige synther.
Internasjonalt oppnådde de aldri status som noe annet enn et kultband,
bortsett fra i Norge hvor de nesten ble regnet som verdensstjerner.
Bandet turnerte i Norge ved et par anledninger med Andy Prieboy som
vokalist mens Ridgway gjorde det samme som soloartist. I
særdeleshet Ridgway, men også Prieboy, er svært kompetente
tekstforfattere. Ridgways gjerne dystre beskrivelser av en ofte
vanskelig hverdag passer utmerket til hans stemningsfulle sanger. Som
soloartist videreutviklet Ridgway sine forfatteregenskaper. Tekstene
ble etter hvert til lange historier og hører nok hjemme blant rockens
beste. "Camouflage" fra "The Big Heat" og "Knife And Fork" fra
"Black Diamond" er eksempler på sanger med slike kvaliteter. I
tillegg til sin rene solokarriere prøvde Ridgway seg også med
prosjektet "Drywall". Dette var egentlig ment som musikk til et
filmprosjekt, "The Drywall Incident", og ble vel aldri noen stor
suksess. Stemningen er ubehagelig og lydbildet er kaldt og
hovedsaklig basert på elektroniske instrumenter. Samarbeidsprosjektet "Blood" med
Pietra Wexstun fra 2003 er foreløpig det siste bidraget fra Ridgway.
Prieboy har en skjevere innfallsvinkel i sine tekster og han klarte på
en elegant måte å videreføre WOV's tradisjoner. Stemmen er nok
ikke like unik som Ridgways men har likevel en umisskjennelig klang og
hans live-fremføringer av gamle WOV-låter er fullt ut akseptable.
Etter WOV ga Prieboy ut et par albumer og en EP. Her klarte han
å utvikle en høyst personlig stil. Han innførte mer humor og
musikken ga tidvis følelsen av kabaret. Ellers er "Tomorrow,
Wendy" fra Prieboys LP "...Upon My
Wicked Son" med på Concrete Blondes LP "Bloodletting" fra
1990. Her spiller Andy selv keyboards. Etter hans siste
utgivelse i 1995 har det dessverre vært stille rundt Prieboy.
Trommis Ned Leukhardt spiller også trommer for norske
Sterk Naken og Biltyvene.
Marc Morelands
særegne gitar og Lou Reed-aktige stemme kan høres på to
utgivelser. Etter oppløsningen av WOV i 1987 tok det hele åtte år
før Moreland igjen var på banen med nytt stoff, nå som gitarist i
bandet "Pretty & Twisted" med utgivelsen "Pretty & Twisted"
i 1995. P&T besto ellers av utspring fra Concrete Blonde, med
vokalist Johnette Napolitano, hvor fra
musikken også var preget. I 1997 dannet Moreland gruppen "Department of Crooks" og ga ut
bandets eneste album, "Plan 9 From las Vegas". Musikalsk og
soundmessig ligger dette svært nært tidlig WOV og er en svært
trivelig utgivelse. Hans siste prosjekt kom i mars 2002 og gikk
under navnet "Marc Moreland Mess" med albumet "Take It To The
Spotlight". Denne utgivelsen er mindre WOV i sound og oppbygging
og skulle bli Morelands siste bidrag til rocken. Marc Moreland
døde året etter av nyresvikt, kun 44 år gammel. |
Nytt på denne
Wall of Voodoo
(1981) LP
Back In Flesh
2. Me And My Dad
3. Call Box (1-2-3)
4. Two Minutes Till Lunch
5. Red Light
6. Animal Day
7. This Way Out
8. Good Times
9. Tse Tse Fly
10. Full of Tension
11. Crack The Bell |
Call of
The West
(1982) LP
2. Lost Weekend
3. Factory
4. Look At Their Way
5. Hands of Love
6. Mexican Radio
7. Spy World
8. They Don't Want Me
9. On Interstate 15
10. Call of The West |
Grandma's House
(1984) LP
1. Ring of Fire
2. Long Arm
3. The Passenger
4. Can't Make Love
5. On Interstate 15
6. Lost Weekend
7. Mexican Radio
8. Call Box
9. Red Light
10. Tomorrow
11. Crack The Bell
12. Call of The West
13. Grandma's House |
Days In Sammystown
(1985) LP
Stan ut og Andy inn.
Far Side of Crazy
2. Business of Love
3. Mona
4. Room With A View
5. Blackboard Sky
6. Big City
7. Dark As The Dungeon
8. Museums
9. Tragic Vaudeville
10. (Don't Spill My) Courage |
Happy Planet
(1987) LP (2/5)
Do It Again
2. Hollywood The Second Time
3. Empty Room
4. Chains of Luck
5. When The Lights Go Out
6. Country of Man
7. Joanne
8. Elvis Bought Dora A Cadillac
9. The Grass Is Greener
10. Ain't My Day |
The Ugly
Americans In Australia
(1988) LP
Red Light
2. Crazy, Crazy Melbourne
3. Wrong Way To Hollywood
4. Living In The Red
5. Blackboard Sky
6. The Heart Can Never Tell
7. Far Side of Crazy
8. Ring of Fire
9. Mexican Radio |
The Index Masters
(1992) CD
Eldre opptak fra Ridgway-perioden. Cover nesten identisk
med Wall of Voodoo EP.
1. Longarm
2. The Passenger
3. Can't Make Love
4. Struggle
5. Ring of Fire
6. Grandma's House
7. End of An Era (live)
8. Tomorrow (live)
9. Animal Day (live)
10. Longarm (live)
11. Invisible Man (live)
12. Red Light (live)
13. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly/Hang 'em High (live)
14. Back In Flesh (live)
15. Call Box (live)
16. The Passenger (live) |
EP og
Wall of Voodoo
(1980) 12" EP
2. The Passenger
3. Can't Make Love
4. Struggle
5. Ring of Fire
6. Grandma's House |
(1982) 12" Single/EP
Mexican Radio
2. There's Nothing On This Side |
Ring of Fire (Remix)
(1984) 12" Single
Ring of Fire (Remix)
2. The Morricone Theme (live)
3. Hang 'em High/The Good, The Bad & The Ugly |
Far Side of Crazy
(1986) 12" Single
Stan ut og Andy inn.
1. Far Side of
2. Wrong Way To Hollywood
3. Dance You F[AKers
Far Side of Crazy
(1986) 7" Single
1. Far Side of
2. Wrong Way To Hollywood |
Do It Again
(1987) 12" Single
1. Do It Again (Extended
2. Do It Again (Bonus beats)
3. Do It Again (Single version)
4. Do It Again (Dub mix) |
Do It Again
(1987) 12" Single
1. Do It Again
2. Back In The Laundromat
3. Dance You F[[[ers |
Do It Again
(1987) 7" Single
1. Do It Again
2. Back In The Laundromat |
Stan Ridgway
Albumer & DVD:
The Big Heat
(1985) LP
1. The Big Heat
2. Pick It Up (And Put It In Your Pocket)
3. Can't Stop The Show
4. Pile Driver
5. Walkin' Home Alone
6. Drive She Said
7. Salesman
8. Twisted
9. Camouflage |
(1989) LP
1. Heat Takes A
2. Lonely Town
3. Goin' Southbound
4. Dogs
5. Can't Complain
6. Peg And Pete And Me
7. Newspapers
8. Calling Out To Carol
9. The Last Honest Man
10. A Mission In Life |
(1991) LP
1. Jack Talked
(Like A Man On Fire)
2. I Wanna Be A Boss
3. The Roadblock
4. Snaketrain
5. Right Through You
6. The Gumbo man
7. Harry Truman
8. Overlords
9. Uba's House of Fashions
10. Beyond Tomorrow |
I Wanna Be A Boss
(1991) Promo CD Single
1. I
Wanna Be A Boss (Edit)
2. I Wanna Be A Boss (LP Version) |
Black Diamond
(1995) CD
1. Big Dumb Town
2. Gone The Distance
3. Knife And Fork
4. Down The Coast Hwy
5. Luther Played Guitar
6. Stranded
7. Wild Bill Donovan
8. Man of Stone
9. Pink Parakeet
10. Underneath The Big Green Tree
11. As I Went Out One Morning
12. Crystal Palace |
The Way I Feel Today
(1998) CD (2/5)
crooning the classics. Limited edition.
2. What Now My Love?
3. I've Got You Under My Skin
4. Angel Eyes
5. It Had To Be You
6. Yesterdays
7. The Coffee Song
8. My Way
9. One For My Baby
10. My Baby Just Cares For Me
11. What A Beautiful Morning
12. On A Clear Day
13. If I Ruled The World
14. Old Man River
15. Make Some One Happy
16. As Times Go By
17. The Impossible Dream
18. Send In The Clowns |
(1999) CD (3/5)
1. Mission Bell
2. Deep Blue Polka Dot
3. Train of Thoughts
4. Murray's Steakhouse Story
5. Susie Before Sunrise
6. Sweet Pig Alley
7. Valerie Is Sleeping
8. Mickey The Priest
9. Mama Had A Stove
10. Whistle For Louise
11. Picasso's Tear
12. Sixteen Tons |
Holiday In Dirt
(2001) CD
1. Beloved Movie
2. Operator Help Me
3. Time Inside
4. End of The Line
5. Garage Band '69
6. Bing Can't Walk
7. Brand New Special And Unique
8. After The Storm
9. Floundering
10. Amnesia
11. Whatever Happened To You?
12. Act of Faith
13. Beloved Movie Star Redux |
"Poolside With Gilly"
(2001) DBL-CD (?/5)
"Partyball" tour 1991, Live
CD 1
Space Talk
2. The Overlords
3. Jack Talked
4. Talk Hard
5. Chat-intro the band
6. The Roadblock
7. Blab-who is that?
8. The Big Heat
9. Blab-Clarence Thomas
10. Lonely Town
11. Blab-celebs
12. Harry Truman
13. Blab-ribeye
14. Don't Box Me In
15. Drive She Said |
CD 2
Blab-bossa nova
2. Wanna Be A Boss
3. Blab-more celebs
4. Uba's House
5. Camouflage
6. Blab-thanks
7. Last Honest Man
8. Blav-tvs?
9. A Mission In Life
10. Blab-applause
11. Stop The Show
12. Mexican Radio
13. 16 Tons |
Live: The Mosquitos Tour - The Ancient Town of Frankfurt
(2002) CD
1. Heat
Takes A Walk
2. Dogs
3. Lonely Town
4. Peg And Pete And Me
5. Bing Can't Walk
6. "Band intros"
7. Calling Out To Carol
8. "The ancient town of Frankfurt"
9. Can't Complain
10. "Camouflage money"
11. Don't Box Me In
12. Mexican Radio
13. The Last Honest Man
14. Goin' Southbound
15. A Mission In Life
16. "People that go 'whoo!"
17. Rags And Old Iron
18. Ring of Fire
19. "Warm response"
20. Newspapers
21. Call of The West |
Blacktop Ballads & Fugitive Songs
(2004) CD
1. Into The
2. Wake Up Sally (the cops are here)
3. Afghan / Forklift
4. King For A Day
5. Your Rockin' Chair
6. Monsters of The Id
7. Running With The Carnival
8. Our Manhattan Moment
9. Crow Hollow Blues
10. That Big 5-0
11. God Sleeps In A Caboose
12. Throw It Away
13. My Own Universe
14. Classic Hollywood Ending
15. Talkin' Wall of Voodoo Blues Pt. 1
16. My Rose Marie (a soldier's tale) |
"Showbusiness Is My Life"
(2004) DVD
Denne samlingen
med låter er hentet fra Ridgways soloutgivelser, Wall of Voodoo og
Drywall. Her finner man de fleste (alle?) videoene til Ridgway i
tillegg til en rekke liveopptak. Flere av liveopptakene skjemmes
dessverre av lav opptaks-
kvalitet. Til tross for dette har jeg valgt å gi utgivelsen en
gullplate. Først og fremst på grunn av at man får servert masse
interessant stoff fra perioden med Wall of Voodoo.
1. Mexican Radio
2. The Big Heat
3. Don't Box Me In
4. Back In Flesh
5. Call Box
6. Camouflage
7. Pick It Up (= Pick It Up (And Put It In Your Pocket))
8. Can't Stop The Show
9. Goin' Southbound
- On The Road
10. Funzone
11. Ring of Fire
12. Drive She Said
13. Callin' Out To Carol
14. End of The Line
15. I'll Do It Tomorrow (= Tomorrow)
16. Ring of Fire
- More On The Road
- Paris: The Big Gig
17. Don't Box Me In
18. Mexican Radio
- Brussels Festival
19. Lonely Town
20. This Way Out
21. Animal Day
- Tasty Aren't They?
22. Can't Make Love
23. I Wanna Be A Boss
24. Big Dumb Town
25. Knife And Fork
26. Bel Air Blues |
Holiday In Dirt
(2005) DVD (?/5)
"14 short
films by 14 different filmmakers from the music of Stan Ridgway"
Beloved Movie Star (Rick Fuller)
2. Operator Help Me (Jim Ludtke)
3. Time Inside (Dan Brown)
4. End of The Line (Carlos Grasso)
5. Garage Band '69 (Hernan Barangan)
6. Bing Can't Walk (Steve Hanft)
7. Brand New Special And Unique (David Moe)
8. After The Storm (Rudi Tuzla)
9. Floundering (David Roth)
10. Amnesia (Heidi Frier & Charles Bowe)
11. Whatever Happened To You (Simon Blake)
12. Act of Faith (Katherine Gordon)
13. Beloved Movie Star Redux (Phil Harder)
14. Behind Closed Doors (Chuck Statler) |
The Big Heat
(1985) 12" Single
1. The Big Heat
2. Drive, She Said
3. Salesman |
(1985) 12" Single
1. Salesman
2. The Big Heat
3. Drive, She Said |
(1985) 7" Single
1. Salesman
2. The Big Heat |
(1985) 12" Single
1. Camouflage
2. Salesman (Extended mix) |
Camouflage (Edited mix)
(1985) 7" Single
1. Camouflage (Edited
2. Salesman |
Walkin' Home Alone
(1985) 7" Single
1. Walkin' Home
2. Don't Box Me In (Rumblefish) |
Walkin' Home Alone
(1985) 12" Single
1. Walkin' Home
2. Don't Box Me In (Rumblefish)
3. The Cannon Song |
The Big Heat (Remix)
(1986) 12" Single
1. The Big Heat
2. Foggy River
3. Pick It Up (And Put It In Your Pocket) |
The Big Heat
(1986) 12" Single
1. The Big Heat
2. Foggy River
3. Salesman |
Drive, She Said
(1986) 12" Single
1. Drive, She
2. Rio Greyhound
3. Can't Stop The Show |
Drive, She Said
(1986) 7" Single
1. Drive, She
2. Rio Greyhound |
End of The Line
(1987) 7" Single
1. End of The
2. Love Theme "Terminus" |
Calling Out To Carol
(1989) 12" Single
1. Calling Out
To Carol
2. Can't Stop The Show
3. Crive, She Said |
Goin' Southbound
(1989) 12" Single
1. Goin'
2. Newspaper
Commentary and music excerpts from Stan Ridgway |
Work The Dumb Oracle
(1995) CD
1. Back Towards
Diamond Bar
2. Police Call
3. New Blue Mercedes
4. Bel Air Blues
5. Hell In A Handbasket
6. Highway Song
7. Mr. Smith
8. Time Wave Zero
9. Old Bent Coin
10. My Exclusive Sex Club
11. Triangle Head
12. Big American Problem |
The Drywall Incident
(1997) DBL-CD (3/5)
CD 1
1. Back Towards Diamond Bar
2. Police Call
3. New Blue Mercedes
4. Bel Air Blues
5. Hell In A Handbasket
6. Highway Song
7. Mr. Smith
8. Time Wave Zero
9. Old Bent Coin
10. My Exclusive Sex Club
11. Triangle Head
12. Big American Problem |
CD 2
1. Blue Fog
2. Confusion At The Alibi Room
3. Violence And Murder
4. The Drywall Incident
5. Flight To Earth
6. Riot In Dogtown
7. Wexstun Burns The Money
8. Downtown Doorbell
9. Ivan's Walk For Food
10. Ringway Trouble
11. Bring Me The Head of Jackie Lazar
12. Pinkerton Weeps For Dummy
13. SR Talks Gun Control
14. Questions, Then?
15. Drywall Is God
16. The Visitors Are Here
17. A Pencil For Jacob
18. Grasso Gets Fired
19. The Drywall Incident Demo |
Barbeque Babylon
(2005) CD
På tittelløst kutt 16 samples George W. Bush.
1. Goin'
On Down To The BBQ
2. Fortune Cookies
3. Somewhere In The Dark
4. Abandon Ship
5. Buried The Pope
6. In Total Focus
7. The Aarp Is After Me
8. That Big Weird Thing
9. Robbers & Bandits & Bastards & Thieves
10. Rain On Down
11. The Alibi Room
12. Wargasm 2005
13. Bold Marauder
14. Land of Spook
15. Something's Gonna Blow
16. (Ingen tittel) |
Stewart Copeland / Stan Ridgway
Stewart Copeland
> The
Don't Box Me In
(1983) 7" Single
1. Don't Box Me
2. Drama At Home |
Stan Ridgway & Pietra Wexstun
(2003) CD (3/5)
Limited edition 7500 ex
1. Entrance
2. Drips
3. Baptism of Jajo
4. Wound
5. 40
6. Fountain
7. Rose
8. Lincoln's Head
9. Manus Christi
10. The Cloven Bunny
11. Night Visit
12. Weeping
13. Blood Suite In Four Movements
14. Exit |
Timbuk 3 & Stan Ridgway
Timbuk 3
Back 2 Back
(1999) CD ?/5
Inneholder fem sanger av hver. Begge har tilhørt plateselskapet I.R.S.
Timbuk 3
1. The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades
2. Life Is Hard
3. Rev, Jack & His Roamin' Cadillac Church
4. National Holiday
5. Hairstyles And Attitudes
Stan Ridgway
6. Drive, She Said
7. Don't Box Me In
8. Salesman
9. Camouflage (Single remix edit)
10. Back Towards Diamond Bar (Drywall) |
Diverse artister
Lost In The Stars; The
Music of Kurt Weill
(1985) LP
1. Mahoggony
Songspiel (Steve Weisberg)
2. "The Ballad of Mac The Knife" (Sting and Dominic
"The Cannon Song" (Fowler Brothers
and Stan Ridgway)
4. "Ballad of The Soldier's Wife" (Marianne Faithful and
Chris Spedding)
5. Johnny Johnston Medley (Van Dyke Parks)
6. "Alabama Song" (Ralph Schuckett m.fl.)
7. "Youkali Tango" (Armadillo String Quartet)
8. "Der Kleine Leutnant Des Lieben Gottes" (John Zorn)
9. "September Song" (Lou Reed)
10. "Lost In The Stars" (Carla Bley with Phil Woods)
11. "What Keeps Mankind Alive?" (Tom Waits)
12. "Surabaya Johnny" (Dagmar Krause)
13. "Oh Heavenly Salvation" (Mark Bingham with Johnny Adams and Aaron Neville)
14. "Call From The Grave/Ballad In Which Macheath Begs All Men For
Forgiveness" (Todd Rundgren with Gary Windo)
15. "Speak Low" (Charlie Haden and Sharon Freeman)
16. "In No Man's Land" (Van Dyke Parks) |
Rogue's Gallery - Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs & Chanteys
(2006) DBL-CD
CD 1
Cape Cod Girls (Baby Gramps)
2. Mingulay Boat Song (Richard Thompson)
3. My Son John (John C. Reilly)
4. Fire Down Below (Nick Cave)
5. Turkish Revelry (Loudon Wainwright III)
6. Bully In The Alley (Three Pruned Men)
7. The Cruel Ship's Captain (Bryan Ferry)
8. Dead Horse (Robin Holcomb)
9. Spanish Ladies (Bill Frisell)
10. Coast of High Barbary (Joseph Arthur)
11. Haul Away Joe (Mark Anthony Thompson)
12. Dan Dan (David Thomas)
13. Blood Red Roses (Sting)
14. Sally Brown (Teddy Thompson)
15. Lowlands Away (Rufus Wainwright & Kate McGarrigle)
16. Baltimore Whores (Gavin Friday)
17. Rolling Sea (Eliza Carthy)
18. The Mermaid (Martin Carthy & The UK Group)
19. Haul On The Bowline (Bob Neuwirth)
20. A Dying Sailor To His Shipmates (Bono)
21. Bonnie Portmore (Lucinda Williams)
22. Shenandoah (Richard Greene & Jack Shit)
23. The Cry of Man (Mary Margaret O' Hara)
CD 2
Boney Was A Warrior (Jack Shit)
2. Good Ship Venus (Loudon Wainwright III)
3. Long Time Ago (White Magic)
4. Pinery Boy (Nick Cave)
5. Lowlands Low (Bryan Ferry w/ Antony)
6. One Spring Morning (Akron / Family)
7. Hog-Eye Man (Martin Carthy & Family)
8. The Fiddler (Ricky Jay & Richard Greene)
9. Caroline And Her Young Sailor Bold (Andrea Corr)
10. Fathom The Bowl (John C. Reilly)
11. What Do We Do With A Drunken Sailor (David Thomas)
12. Farewell Nancy (Ed Harcourt)
Hanging Johnny (Stan Ridgway)
14. Old Man of The Sea (Baby Gramps)
15. Greenland Whale Fisheries (Van Dyke Parks)
16. Shallow Brown (Sting)
17. The Grey Funnel Line (Jolie Holland)
18. A Drop of Nelson's Blood (Jarvis Cocker)
19. Leave Her Johnny (Lou Reed)
20. Little Boy Billee (Ralph Steadman) |
Hecate's Angels
Hidden Persuader
(1996) CD (?/5)
Ridgway deltar med munnspill og banjo
1. Oracle
2. Eve's Angle
3. Hidden Persuader
4. Purdah Party
5. Hall of Mirrors
6. Seduction of The Minotaur
7. Fence
8. Comatose Dose
9. Rosemary's Baby
10. Pleasure And Pain
11. Somnium Waltz |
Marc Moreland:
Pretty & Twisted
Concrete Blonde
Pretty & Twisted
(1995) CD
1. The
Highs Are High
2. Mother of Pearl
3. Souvenir
4. No Daddy No
5. ¡Ride!
6. Train Song (Edge of Desperation)
7. Stranger
8. Singing In Fire
9. Don't Take Me Down
10. Come Away With Me
11. Dear Marlon Brando
12. Billy
13. Watching The Water |
Department of Crooks
Plan 9 From Las Vegas
(1997) CD
Andy Prieboy
spiller piano på kutt 2.
1. Seven
2. Whatcha Wanna Do Now?
3. Plan 9 From Las Vegas
4. X-ray Vision
5. Walking With Darla
6. Oh-Oui-Anne
7. One Night In June
8. Falling On Down
9. Beggar Blue Sky
10. Whiskey & Cadillacs
11. Aunt Sandie's House
12. New York City |
Marc Moreland Mess
Take It To The Spotlight
(2002) CD ?/5
1. Hey
2. Commotion
3. All Jacked Up
4. PS California
5. Bette Davis Eyes
6. Bring Me Back Home
7. The End?
8. Hayride
9. Thinking of You
10. I Walk The Line
11. I Saw The Light |
Concrete Blonde
...Upon My Wicked Son
(1990) CD
On The Road Again
2. To The Dogs
3. Montezuma Wa A Man of Faith
4. Tomorrow Wendy
5. Nearer To Morning
6. Man Talk
7. Loving The Highway Man
8. The New York Debut of An L.A. Artist (Jazz Crowd)
9. Joliet
10. That Was The Voice
11. For Love
12. Maybe That's Not Her Head
13. Big Rock Finish |
Montezuma Was A Man
of Faith
(1991) CD-EP
Montezuma Was A Man of Faith
2. Send In The Drugs
3. Joliet
4. Where I'm Calling You From
5. Whole Lotta Love |
Sins of Our
(1995) CD
Sins of Our Fathers
2. How Would I Know Love Now
3. Wine Red And TV Blue
4. All For Your Love Again
5. Psycho Ex
6. Cannot Not
7. When The Heart Awakes
8. Robbing Her Own Room
9. When This Dream Is Over
10. Why Do You Think We're Coming For
11. You Don't Owe Me Anything
12. Build A Better Garden
13. Daddy Buy Baby A Boobjob |