The Mothers of Invention
I desember 1993
skjedde det alle Zappa-fans hadde ventet på en stund, Frank Zappa døde
av prostatakreft, kun 53 år gammel. Siden starten i 1966 med "Freak
Out!" hadde han vært ansvarlig for en enorm produksjon hvorav de
første ni årene stort sett med gruppen "The Mothers of Invention"
pluss en enkeltutgivelse sammen med hans gamle studiekamerat
Captain Beefheart. Som gitarist må
Zappa regnes som en av historiens beste. Hans hule, brummende stemme spyr ut
slibrigheter i et rasende tempo akkompagnert av et uhyre dyktig band.
Om det er vakkert kan sikkert diskuteres men effektfullt er det.
Han har forøvrig brukt et utall andre vokalister, med blandet suksess. Musikken var uhyre komplisert
og musikerne han valgte å ta inn i sitt band måtte gjennom harde
tester før de ble godkjent. Han komponerte også større verk for
orkester og sto selv for dirigeringen. Det vil være umulig å gi
Zappas musikk en ensartet karakteristikk, han er gjerne innom både
pop, rock og jazz i samme låt. Zappas band var alltid utstyrt med et
utall av instrumenter. I tillegg til de mer tradisjonelle instrumentene som gitar, keyboard, trommer og bass benyttet han
gjerne en rekke blåsere og rytmeinstrumenter. Marimba og fagott
ga musikken et spesielt sound på 70-tallet. Tekstene var sterkt ironiske og
samfunnskritiske. Zappa var aldri redd for å si hva han mente,
oftest svært direkte, noe som var et stort problem for amerikanske
besteborgere og moralvoktere. "Frank Zappa Meets The Mothers of
Prevention" fra 1986 er en platetittel som sier sitt om hvilke
følelser han hadde for disse. Han hadde også klare politiske
meninger og vurderte en gang å stille som demokratisk
presidentkandidat, han hatet republikanere. "Motherfuckers" ble ofte
omskrevet til "Republicans" i konsertsammenheng. Zappa var
lynende intelligent og stilte ofte til debatter hvor han benyttet
anledningen til å rakke ned på samfunnets "søppel" (dobbeltmoralistiske,
besteborgerlige republikanere). Han var også beryktet for sine
sanger med sterkt seksuelle tekster, på grensen til pornografi etter
manges mening. Humor var dessuten et hyppig benyttet
virkemiddel, på plate så vel som på scenen.
Hans musikalske høydepunkt kom etter manges mening i 1973 med "Over-nite
Sensation" og fortsatte forsåvidt med "Apostrophe", "Roxy & Elsewhere"
og "One Size Fits All" de neste to årene. Etter dette ble Zappa
noe mer lettfordøyelig, for den store skare lyttere, med enklere sanger.
Dette gikk likevel aldri ut over musikkens høye tekniske kvalitet.
Fra og med 1988 begynte Zappa å pøse ut plater med hovedsakelig live-opptak fra hele hans karriere, og dette har tildels fortsatt
etter hans død. Zappas familie sitter visstnok på et enormt
materiale med innspillinger og planlegger fortsatt fremtidige
utgivelser, til stor glede for en fortsatt stor tilhengerskare.
Konsertopptak på video og DVD har til nå vært en mangelvare men nå
ryktes det at enkefru-Zappa planlegger å slippe en del materiale for
DVD-markedet. På tide! I live får jeg aldri oppleve Zappa
så en DVD eller to får være en liten trøst...
I en del år har flere av de originale Mothers-medlemmene, med
Napoleon Murphy Brock, Don Preston og Roy Estrada i spissen,
turnert og fremført gamle Mothers-låter. Liveinnspillingen "A
Grandmothers Night At The Gewandhaus" ble sluppet på CD
i 2003 og demonstrerer at det fortsatt er spenst i gamlekara.
Navnet var forandret fra "The Mothers of Invention" til "The
Grandmothers". 29. april 2006 var de å se på Folken i Stavanger
hvor de fremførte en glimrende konsert og "The Grandmothers" var
nå endret til "The Grande Mothers". |
Terry Bozzio:
David Torn/Mick Karn/Terry Bozzio
Eddie Jobson
> Roxy Music
> U.K.
Jethro Tull
Adrian Belew:
> King
> David
Gå til
Zappa-galleriet for å se
fotos av detaljer fra plateomslagene.
Eller klikk på coverene på denne side. |
nedenfor er kronologisk, uavhengig av om det er rene Zappa-plater eller
utgivelser med Mothers of Invention. For å forenkle oversikten
noe er Mothers-platene derfor merket med.....
The Grande
I over to og en
halv time fikk fikk jeg gleden av å oppleve det legendariske
bandet The Mothers of Invention (nå med navnet The Grande Mothers)
på Folken i Stavanger lørdag 29. april. Mothers er best kjent som
Zappas backingband på 60- og 70-tallet. Her fikk vi se og høre tre
av Mothers' opprinnelige bandmedlemmer (Napoleon Murphy Brock, Roy
Estrada og Don Preston) i tillegg til to ukjente musikere (Miroslav
Tadic og Christopher Garcia). Vi fikk oppleve en
forrykende konsert av et sett eminente musikere som spilte
høydepunkter fra Mothers' storhetstid. Låter som Montana, I Am The
Slime, San Ber'dino, Andy, Sofa #1 og Florentine Pogen ble
fremført med en spilleglede og presisjon man skal lete lenge
etter. Kun to ting var savnet, flere låter fra deres kanskje beste
album Over-nite Sensation og selvfølgelig Frank Zappa selv! |
Nytt på denne
Freak Out!
(1966) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Hungry Freaks, Daddy
2. I Ain't Got No Heart
3. Who Are The Brain Police?
4. Go Cry On Somebody Else's Shoulder
5. Motherly Love
6. How Could I Be Such A Fool
7. Wowie Zowie
8. You Didn't Try To Call Me
9. Any Way The Wind Blows
10. I'm Not Satisfied
11. You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here |
LP 2
1. Trouble Every Day
2. Help, I'm A Rock
3. The Return of The Son of
Monster Magnet
I. Ritual Dance of The Child-killer
II. Nullis Pretii |
Absolutely Free
(1967) LP
Plastic People
2. The Duke of Prunes
3. Amnesia Vivace
4. The Duke Regains His Chops
5. Call Any Vegetable
6. Invocation & Ritual Dance of The Young Pumpkin
7. Soft-cell Conclusion & Ending of Side #1
8. America Drinks
9. Status Back Baby
10. Uncle Bernie's Farm
11. Son of Suzy Creamcheese
12. Brown Shoes Don't Make It
13. America Drinks & Goes Home |
We're Only In It For
The Money
(1968) LP (5/5)
Are You Hung Up?
2. Who Need The Peace Corps?
3. Concentration Moon
4. Mom & Dad
5. Telephone Conversation
6. Bow Tie Daddy
7. Harry, You're A Beast
8. What's The Ugliest Part of Your Body?
9. Absolutely Free
10. Flower Punk
11. Hot Poop
12. Nasal Retentive Calliope Music
13. Let's Make The Water Turn Black
14. The Idiot Bastard Son
15. (Gary Kellgren's Opinion)
16. Lonely Little Girl
17. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance
18. What's The Ugliest Part of Your Body? (reprise)
19. Mother People
20. The Chrome Plated Megaphone of Destiny |
Lumpy Gravy
(1968) LP (4/5)
Lumpy Gravy - Part 1
2. Lumpy Gravy - Part 2 |
Cruising With Ruben & The Jets
(1968) LP (3/5)
Cheap Thrills
2. Love of My Life
3. How Could I Be Such A Fool
4. Deseri
5. I'm Not Satisfied
6. Jelly Roll Gum Drop
7. Anything
8. Later That Night
9. You Didn't Try To Call Me
10. Fountain of Love
11. "No. No. No."
12. Anyway The Wind Blows
13. Stuff Up The Cracks |
Frank Zappa & The
Mothers of Invention
(1968) LP (?/5)
utgivelsen på Verve ble ikke godkjent av Zappa i sin tid. Enkelte
tekster er sensurert.
1. Why
Don't You Do Me Right
2. Who Needs The Peace Corps
3. Concentration Moon
4. Mom And Dad
5. Bow Tie Daddy
6. Harry You're A Beast
7. What's The Ugliest Part of Your Body?
8. Absolutely Free
9. Cheap Thrills
10. Excerpts From Lumpy Gravy - The Abnuceals Emuukha Electric
Orchestra & Chorus
11. Wowie Zowie
12. Flower Punk
13. Later That Night
14. Let's Make The Water Turn Black
15. Lonely Little Girl
16. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance
17. What's The Ugliest Part of Your Body? (Reprise)
18. America Drinks
19. Status Back Baby
20. Uncle Bernie's Farm
21. Son of Suzy Cream Cheese
22. Big Leg Emma |
(1969) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Uncle Meat: Main Title Theme
2. The Voice of Cheese
3. Nine Types of Industrial Pollution
4. Zolar Czakl
5. Dog Breath, In The Year of The Plague
6. The Legend of The Golden Arches
7. Louie Louie
8. The Dog Breath Variations
9. Sleeping In A Jar
10. Our Bizarre Relationship
11. The Uncle Meat Variations
12. Electric Aunt Jemina
13. Prelude To King Kong
14. God Bless America
15. A Pound For A Brown On The Bus
16. Ian Underwood Whips It Out |
LP 2
1. Mr. Green Genes
2. We Can Shoot You
3. "If We'd All Been Living In
4. The Air
5. Project X
6. Cruising For Burgers
7. King Kong - Part 1
8. King Kong - Part 2
9. King Kong - Part 3
10. King Kong - Part 4
11. King Kong - Part 5
12. King Kong - Part 6 |
Hot Rats
(1969) LP
Peaches En Regelia
2. Willie The Pimp
3. Son of Mr. Green Genes
4. Little Umbrellas
5. The Gumbo Variations
6. It Must Be A Camel |
Burnt Weeny Sandwich
(1969) LP
2. Igor's Boogie, Phase One
3. Overture To A Holiday In Berlin
4. Theme From Burnt Weeny Sandwich
5. Igor's Boogie, Phase Two
6. Holiday In Berlin, Full Blown
7. Aybe Sea
8. Little House I Used To Live In
9. Valarie |
(1969) LP
Brown Shoes Don't Make It
2. Mother People
3. Duke of Prunes
4. Call Any Vegetable
5. The Idiot Bastard Son
6. It Can't Happen Here
7. You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here
8. Who Are The Brain Police
9. Plastic People
10. Hungry Freaks, Daddy
11. America Drinks & Goes Home |
Weasels Ripped My Flesh
(1970) LP (4,5/5)
1. Didja Get Any
2. Directly From My Heart To You
3. Prelude To The Afternoon of A Sexually Aroused
Gas Mask
4. Toads of The Short Forest
5. Get A Little
6. Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue
7. Dwarf Nebula Processional March & Dwarf Nebula
8. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
9. Oh No
10. The Orange County Lumber Truck
11. Weasels Ripped My Flesh |
Chunga's Revenge
(1970) LP 3/5
Transylvania Boogie
2. Road Ladies
3. Twenty Small Cigars
4. The Nancy & Mary Music - Part 1
5. The Nancy & Mary Music - Part 2
6. The Nancy & Mary Music - Part 3
7. Tell Me You Love Me
8. Would You Go All The Way?
9. Chunga's Revenge
10. The Clap
11. Rudy Wants To Buy Yez A Drink
12. Sharleena |
Chunga's Revenge
(1970) LP 3/5
"The initial
UK pressings of Chunga's Revenge was something of an oddity, having a
green sleeve instead of the red one used for the US and elsewhere. The
UK cover was reprinted in red shortly before the Kinney takeover in
July 1971 but quite why the green sleeve was peculiar to Britain has
never been fully explained."
Transylvania Boogie
2. Road Ladies
3. Twenty Small Cigars
4. The Nancy & Mary Music - Part 1
5. The Nancy & Mary Music - Part 2
6. The Nancy & Mary Music - Part 3
7. Tell Me You Love Me
8. Would You Go All The Way?
9. Chunga's Revenge
10. The Clap
11. Rudy Wants To Buy Yez A Drink
12. Sharleena |
Fillmore East - June
(1971) LP (3/5)
Little House I Used To Live In
2. The Mud Shark
3. What Kind of Girl Do You Think You Are?
4. Bwana Dik
5. Latex Solar Beef
6. Willie The Pimp, Part One
7. Willie The Pimp, Part Two
8. Do You Like My New Car?
9. Happy Together
10. Lonesome Electric Turkey
11. Peaches En Regelia
12. Tears Began To Fall |
200 Motels
(1971) DBL-LP (4/5)
LP 1
1. Semi-fraudulent/Direct-From-
Hollywood Overture
2. Mystery Roach
3. Dance of The Rock & Roll
4. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna
Sandwich (prologue)
5. Tuna Fish Promenade
6. Dance of The Just Plain Folks
7. This Town Is A Sealed Tuna
Sandwich (reprise)
8. The Sealed Tuna Bolero
9. Lonesome Cowboy Burt
10. Touring Can Make You Crazy
11. Would You Like A Snack?
12. Redneck Eats
13. Centerville
14. She Painted Up Her Face
15. Janet's Big Dance Number
16. Half A Dozen Provocative Squats |
LP 2
1. I'm Stealing The Towels
2. Dental Hygiene Dilemma
3. Does This Kind of Life Look
Interesting To You?
4. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
5. Penis Dimension
6. What Will This Evening Bring Me
This Morning
7. A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old
8. Magic Fingers
9. Motorhead's Midnight Ranch
10. Dew On The Newts We Got
11. The Lad Searches The Night
For His Newts
12. The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some
13. The Girl's Dream
14. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters
& Courduroy Ponce
15. Strictly Genteel (the finale) |
Just Another Band From L.A.
(1972) LP (3/5)
Billy The Mountain
2. Call Any Vegetable
3. Eddie, Are You Kidding?
4. Magdalena
5. Dog Breath |
Waka/Jawaka - Hot Rats
(1972) LP
Big Swifty
2. Your Mouth
3. It Just Might Be A One-shot Deal
4. Waka/Jawaka |
The Grand Wazoo
(1972) LP
For Calvin (And His Next Two Hitch-hikers)
2. The Grand Wazoo
3. Cletus Awreetus - Awright Us
4. Eat That Question
5. Blessed Relief |
Over-nite Sensation
(1973) LP
Camarillo Brillo
2. I'm The Slime
3. Dirty Love
4. Fifty-Fifty
5. Zomby Woof
6. Dinah Moe Humm
7. Montana |
(1974) LP
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
2. Nanook Rubs It
3. St. Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast
4. Father O'Blivion
5. Cosmic Debris
6. Excentrifugal Forz
7. Apostrophe'
8. Uncle Remus
9. Stink-Foot |
Roxy & Elsewhere
(1974) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Preamble
2. Penguin In Bondage
3. Pygmy Twylyte
4. Dummy Up
5. Preamble
6. Village of The Sun
7. Echidna's Arf (of You)
8. Don't You Ever Wash That Thing? |
LP 2
1. Preamble
2. Cheepnis
3. Son of Orange County
4. More Trouble Every Day
5. Preamble
6. Be-Bop Tango (of The Old
Jazzmen's Church) |
One Size Fits All
(1975) LP
Inca Roads
2. Can't Afford No Shoes
3. Sofa No. 1
4. Po-Jama People
5. Florentine Pogen
6. Evelyn, A Modified Dog
7. San Ber'dino
8. Andy
9. Sofa No. 2 |
Bongo Fury
Zappa / Beefheart
(1975) LP (3,5/5)
Debra Kadabra
2. Carolina Hard-core Ecstasy
3. Sam With The Showing Scalp Flat Top
4. Poofter's Froth Wyoming Plans Ahead
5. 200 Years Old
6. Cucamonga
7. Advance Romance
8. Man With The Woman Head
9. Muffin Man |
Zoot Allures
(1976) LP
Wind Up Workin' In A Gas Station
2. Black Napkins
3. The Torture Never Stops
4. Ms. Pinky
5. Find Her Finer
6. Friendly Little Finger
7. Wonderful Wino
8. Zoot Allures
9. Disco Boy |
Zappa In New York
(1978) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Titties & Beer
2. I Promise Not To Come In Your Mouth
3. Big Leg Emma
4. Sofa
5. Manx Needs Women
6. The Black Page Drum Solo/Black Page #1
7. Black Page #2 |
LP 2
1. Honey, Don't You Want A Man
Like Me?
2. The Illinois Enema Bandit
3. The Purple Lagoon |
Studio Tan
(1978) LP (3/5)
Greggery Peccary
2. Let Me Take You To The Beach
3. Revised Music For Guitar & Low Budget Orchestra
Sleep Dirt
(1979) LP
Filthy Habits
2. Flam Bay
3. Spider of Destiny
4. Regyptian Strut
5. Time Is Money
6. Sleep Dirt
7. The Ocean Is The Ultimate Solution |
Sheik Yerbouti
(1979) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. I Have Been In You
2. Flakes
3. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
4. I'm So Cute
5. Jones Crusher
6. What Ever Happened To All The Fun In
The World
7. Rat Tomago
8. We've Got To Get Into Something Real
9. Bobby Brown
10. Rubber Shirt
11. The Sheik Yerbouti Tango |
LP 2
1. Baby Snakes
2. Tryin' To Grow A Chin
3. City of Tiny Lights
4. Dancin' Fool
5. Jewish Princess
6. Wild Love
7. Yo' Mama |
Orchestral Favorites
(1979) LP (3/5)
Strictly Genteel
2. Pedro's Dowry
3. Naval Aviation In Art
4. Duke of Prunes
5. Bogus Pomp |
Joe's Garage Act I.
(1979) LP
The Central Scrutinizer
2. Joe's Garage
3. Catholic Girls
4. Crew Slut
5. Wet T-shirt Nite
6. Toad-O Line
7. Why Does It Hurt When I Pie?
8. Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up |
Joe's Garage Acts II
(1979) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. A Token of My Extreme
2. Stick It Out
3. Sy Borg
4. Dong Work For Yuda
5. Keep It Greasey
6. Outside Now |
LP 2
1. He Used To Cut The Grass
2. Packard Goose
3. Watermelon In Easter Hay
4. A Little Green Rosetta |
Bobby Brown
(1979) 7" Single
1. Bobby
2. Baby Snakes |
Baby Snakes
(1979) DVD (4/5)
Utgitt på VHS i 1979, DVD-utgave i 2003
Detaljert innhold:
1. Baby Snakes Rehearsal
2. "This Is The Show They Never See"
2. Baby Snakes
3. Bruce Bickford/"Disco Outfreakage"
4. The Poodle Lecture
5. "She Said"/City of Tiny Lights
6. New York's Finest Crazy Persons
7. "The Way The Air Smells"
8. Pound - Bass And Keyboard Solo
9. "In You" Rap/Dedication
10. Managua/Police Car/Drum Solo
11. Disco Boy
12. "Give People Somewhere To Xscape
13. King Kong - Roy's Halloween Gas Mask |
14. Bobby Brown
Goes Down
15. Conehead "All You Need To Know"
16. I'm So Cute "Entertainment All The
17. Titties 'n Beer/The Black Page #2
and Dance Contest
18. Jones Crusher
19. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
20. Punky's Whips
21. "Thank You" Dinah-Moe Humm
22. Camarillo Brillo
23. Muffin Man
24. San Ber'dino
25. Black Napkins
26. New York's Finest #2
27. "Good Night"
Terry Bozzio
som "The Devil" på "Titties 'n Beer" (kutt 17). |
I Don't Wanna Get Drafted
(1980) 7" Single
1. I
Don't Wanna Get Drafted
2. Ancient Armaments |
Tinsel Town Rebellion
(1981) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Fine Girl
2. Easy Meat
3. For The Young Sophisticate
4. Love of My Life
5. I Ain't Got No Heart
6. Panty Rap
7. Tell Me You Love Me
8. Now You See It - Now You Don't |
LP 2
1. Dance Contest
2. The Blue Light
3. Tinsel Town Rebellion
4. Pick Me, I'm Clean
5. Bamboozled By Love
6. Brown Shoes Don't Make It
7. Peaches III |
Shut Up 'n Play Yer
(1981) Trippel-LP Box
LP 1
1. five-five-FIVE
2. Hog Heaven
3. Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar
4. While You Were Out
5. Treacherous Cretins
6. Heavy Duty Judy
7. Soup 'n Old Clothers
LP 3
1. Beat It With Your Fist
2. Return of The Son of Shut Up
'n Play Yer Guitar
3. Pinocchio's Furniture
4. Why Johnny Can't Read
5. Stucco Homes
6. Canard du Jour |
LP 2
1. Variations On The Carlos Santana
Secret Chord Progression
2. Gee, I Like Your Pants
3. Canarsie
4. Ship Ahoy
5. The Deathless Horsie
6. Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar Some More
7. Pink Napkins |
You Are What You Is
(1981) DBL-LP (4/5)
LP 1
1. Teen-age Wind
2. Harder Than Your Husband
3. Doreen
4. Goblin Girl
5. Theme From The 3rd Movement
of Sinister Footwear
6. Society Pages
7. I'm A Beautiful Guy
8. Beauty Knows No Pain
9. Charlie's Enormous Mouth
10. Any Downers?
11. Conehead |
LP 2
1. You Are Whar You Is
2. Mudd Club
3. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
4. Dumb All Over
5. Heavenly Bank Account
6. Suicide Chump
7. Jumbo Go Away
8. If Only She Woulda
9. Drafted Again |
Ship Arriving Too
Late To Save A Drowning Witch
(1982) LP
No Not Now
2. Valley Girl
3. I Come From Nowhere
4. Drowning Witch
5. Envelopes
6. Teen-age Prostitute |
The Dub Room Special!
(1982) DVD
Utgitt på
DVD i 2005 (Opptak fra 1974 og Halloween 1981)
"Kim?"/The Dog Breath Variations/Uncle Meat
2. Room Service
3. Nig Biz
4. Approximate
5. Cosmik Debris
6. Cocaine Decisions
7. "The Massmo Bassoli Instant Italian Lesson"/Montana
8. "In Case You Didn't Know"/Tengo Na Minchia Tanta
9. Florentine Pogen
10. Stevie's Spanking
11. Stink-Foot
12. Flakes
13. Inca Roads
14. E.Z. Meat
15. "Huh-Huh-Huh"
Valley Girl Documentary
2. Official Discography
3. Yes, And But, Also... (Baby Snakes trailer) |
(1982) LP Bootleg
2. Bamboozled By Love
3. So Long And Down
4. Tinseltown Rebellion
5. Whore
6. Drowning Witch (La Donna e' Mobile)
7. Black Page III
8. Tell Me You Love Me
9. Debra Cadabra
10. Sofa |
The Man From Utopia
(1983) LP (2/5)
Cocaine Decisions
2. The Dangerous Kitchen
3. Tink Walks Amok
4. The Radio Is Broken
5. Moggio
6. The Man From Utopia Meets Mary Lou
7. Stick Together
8. Sex
9. The Jazz Discharge Party Hats
10. We Are Not Alone |
(1984) DBL-CD 3/5
CD 1
(Part I)
1. Prologue
2. The Mammy Nuns
3. Harry & Rhonda
4. Galoot Up-Date
5. The 'Torchum' Never Stops
6. That Evil Prince
7. You Are What You Is
8. Mudd Club
9. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
10. Clowns On Velvet
11. Harry-As-A Boy
12. He's So Gay
13. The Massive Improve'lence
14. Artificial Rhonda |
CD 2
(Part II)
1. The Crab-Grass Baby
2. The White Boy Troubles
3. No Not Now
4. Briefcase Boogie
5. Brown Moses
6. Wistful Wit A Fist-Full
7. Drop Dead
8. Won Ton On |
Them Or Us
(1984) DBL-LP (3/5)
LP 1
1. The Closer You Are
2. In France
3. Ya Hozna
4. Sharleena
5. Sinister Footwear II
6. Truck Driver Divorce |
LP 2
1. Stevie's Spanking
2. Baby, Take Your Teeth Out
3. Marque-Son's Chicken
4. Planet of My Dreams
5. Be In My Video
6. Them Or Us
7. Frogs With Dirty Little Lips
8. Whipping Post |
True Glove
(1984) 12" Single
In France
2. Be In My Video
3. He's So Gay
4. Won Ton On |
Francesco Zappa
(1984) CD (2/5)
No. 1 1st Movement ANDANTE
2. 2nd Movement ALLEGRO CON BRIO
3. No. 2 1st Movement ANDANTINO
5. No. 3 1st Movement ANDANTINO
6. 2nd Movement PRESTO
7. No. 4 1st Movement ANDANTE
8. 2nd Movement ALLEGRO
9. No. 5 2nd Movement MINUETTO GRAZIOSO
10. No. 6 1st Movement LARGO
11. 2nd Movement MINUET
No. 1 1st Movement ANDANTINO
13. 2nd Movement ALLEGRO ASSAI
14. No. 2 2nd Movement ALLEGRO ASSAI
15. No. 3 1st Movement ANDANTE
16. 2nd Movement TEMPO DI MINUETTO
17. No. 4 1st Movement MINUETTO |
Does Humor Belong In
(1985) VHS
DVD utgitt i
Zoot Allures
2. Tinsel Town Rebellion
3. Trouble Every Day
4. Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel
5. The Dangerous Kitchen
6. He's So Gay
7. Bobby Brown
8. Keep It Greasey
9. Honey, Don't You Want A Man Like Me?
10. Dinah-Moe Humm
11. Cosmic Debris
12. Be In My Video
13. Dancin' Fool
14. Whippin' Post |
Frank Zappa Meets The
Mothers of Prevention
(1986) LP (3/5)
We're Turning Again
2. Alien Orifice
3. Yo Cats
4. What's New In Baltimore?
5. I Don't Even Care
6. One Man - One Vote
7. H.R. 2911
8. Little Beige Sambo
9. Aerobics In Bondage |
Jazz From Hell
(1986) LP (4/5)
Night School
2. The Beltway Bandits
3. While You Were Art II
4. Jazz From Hell
5. G-spot Tornado
6. Damp Ankles
7. St. Etienne
8. Massaggio Galore |
(1988) DBL-LP
LP 1
1. Sexual Harassment In The Workplace
2. Republicans
3. Do Not Pass Go
4. That's Not Really Reggae
5. When No One Was No One
6. Once Again, Without The Net
7. Outside Now (Original Solo)
8. Jim & Tammy's Upper Room
9. Were We Ever Really Safe In San Antonio?
10. That Ol' G Minor Thing Again |
LP 2
1. Move It Or Park It
2. Sunrise Redeemer
3. But Who Was Fulcanelli?
4. For Duane
5. GOA
6. Winos Do Not March
7. Systems of Edges
8. Things That Look Like Meat
9. Watermelon In Easter Hay |
Broadway The Hard Way
(1988) LP (4/5)
Elvis Has Just Left The Building
2. Planet of The Baritone Women
3. Any Kind of Pain
4. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk
5. Dickie's Such An Asshole
6. When The Lie's So Big
7. Rhymin' Man
8. Promiscuous
9. The Untouchables |
You Can't Do That On
Stage Anymore Vol. 1
(1988) DBL-CD
CD 1
1. The Florida Airport Tape
2. Once Upon A Time
3. Sofa #1
4. The Mammy Anthem
5. You Didn't Try To Call Me
6. Diseases of The Band
7. Tryin' To Grow A Chin
8. Let's Make The Water Turn Black
- Harry, You're A Beast
- The Orange County Lumber Truck
9. The Groupie Routine
10. Ruthie-Ruthie
11. Babbette
12. I'm The Slime
13. Big Swifty
14. Don't Eat The Yellow Snow |
CD 2
1. Plastic People
2. The Torture Never Stops
3. Fine Girl
4. Zomby Woof
5. Sweet Leilani
6. Oh No
7. Be In My Video
8. The Deathless Horsie
9. The Dangerous Kitchen
10. Dumb All Over
11. Heavenly Bank Account
12. Suicide Chump
13. Tell Me You Love Me
14. Sofa #2 |
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 2
(1988) DBL-CD
CD 1
1. Tush Tush Tush (A Token of My Extreme)
2. Stinkfoot
3. Inca Roads
5. Village of The Sun
6. Echidna's Arf (of You)
7. Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?
8. Pygmy Twylyte
9. Room Service
10. The Idiot Bastard Son
11. Cheepnis |
CD 2
1. Approximate
2. Dupree's Paradise
3. Satumaa (Finnish Tango)
4. T'Mershi Duween
5. The Dog Breath Variations
6. Uncle Meat
7. Building A Girl
8. Montana (Whipping Floss)
9. Big Swifty
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 3
(1989) DBL-CD
CD 1
1. Sharleena
2. Bamboozled By Love
3. Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
4. Advance Romance (1984)
5. Bobby Brown Goes Down
6. Keep It Greasey
7. Honey, Don't You Want A Man Like me?
8. In France
9. Drowning Witch
10. Ride My Face To Chicago
11. Carol, You Fool
12. Chana In De Bushwop
13. Joe's Garage
14. Why Does It Hurt When I Pie? |
CD 2
1. Dickie's Such An Asshole
2. Hands With A Hammer
3. Zoot Allures
4. Society Pages
5. I'm A Beautiful Guy
6. Beauty Knows No Pain
7. Charlie's Enormous Mouth
8. Cocaine Decisions
9. Nig Biz
10. King Kong
11. Cosmic Debris |
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 4
(1991) DBL-CD
CD 1
1. Little Rubber Girl
2. Stick Together
3. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
4. Willie The Pimp
5. Montana
6. Brown Moses
7. The Evil Prince
8. Approximate
9. Love of My Life - Mudd Club Version
10. Let's Move To Cleveland Solos (1984)
11. You Call That Music?
12. Pound For A Brown Solos (1978)
13. The Black Page (1984)
14. Take Me Out To The Ball Game
15. Filthy Habits
16. The Torture Never Stops (Original Version) |
CD 2
1. Church Chat
2. Stevie's Spanking
3. Outside Now
4. Disco Boy
5. Teen-age Wind
6. Truck Driver Divorce
7. Florentine Pogen
8. Tiny Sick Tears
9. Smell My Beard
10. The Booger Man
11. Carolina Hard Core Ecstasy
12. Are You Upset?
13. Little Girl of Mine
14. The Closer You Are
15. Johnny Darling
16. No, No Cherry
17. The Man From Utopia
18. Mary Lou |
The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life
(1991) DBL-CD
CD 1
1. Heavy Duty Judy
2. Ring of Fire
3. Cosmic Debris
4. Find Her Finer
5. Who Needs The Peace Corps?
6. I Left My Heart In San Francisco
7. Zomby Woof
8. Bolero
9. Zoot Allures
10. Mr. Green Genes
11. Florentine Pogen
12. Andy
13. Inca Roads
14. Sofa #1 |
CD 2
1. Purple Haze
2. Sunshine of Your Love
3. Let's Move To Cleveland
4. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
5. "Godfather Part II" Theme
6. A Few Moments With Brother A. West
7. The Torture Never Stops - Part One
8. Theme From "Bonanza"
9. Lonesome Cowboy Burt
(Swaggert Version)
10. The Torture Never Stops - Part Two
11. More Trouble Every Day
(Swaggert Version)
12. Penguin In Bondage
(Swaggert Version)
13. The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue
14. Stairway To Heaven |
Make A Jazz Noise
(1991) DBL-CD (3,5/5)
CD 1
1. Stinkfoot
2. When Yuppies Go To Hell
3. Fire And Chains
4. Let's Make The Water Turn Black
5. Harry, You're A Beast
6. The Orange County Lumber Truck
7. Oh No
8. Theme From Lumpy Gravy
9. Eat That Question
10. Black Napkins
11. Big Swifty
12. King Kong
13. Star Wars Won't Work |
CD 2
1. The Black Page (New Age Version)
2. T'Mershi Duween
3. Dupree's Paradise
4. City of Tiny Lights
5. Royal March From L'historie du Soldat
6. Theme From The Bartok Piano
Concerto #3
7. Sinister Footwear 2nd mvt.
8. Stevie's Spanking
9. Alien Orifice
10. Cruisin' For Burgers
11. Advance Romance
12. Strictly Genteel |
Beat The Boots
(1991) 6 LP + 2 DBL-LP Box (3/5)
hatet bootleindustrien og ville med denne utgivelsen selv tjene
penger på disse piratplatene. Derfor behandlet han dem i sitt eget
lydstudio og ga dem ut i form av denne boksen. I tillegg
til åtte LP'er finner man også en t-skjorte og en pin med
Zappamotiv i boksen.
Lp'ene presenteres nedenfor med innhold. Sangtitlene kan
avvike noe fra originalene mht stavemåte! Dette er ofte et
1. As An Am Zappa
2. The Ark: Mothers of Invention
3. Freaks And Motherf*%!!@#
4. Unmitigated Audacity
5. Anyway The Wind Blows
6. 'Tis The Season To Be Jelly
7. Saarbrücken 1979
8. Piquantique |
As An Am Zappa (1981)
1. That Makes Me Mad
2. Young & Monde
3. Sharleena
4. Black Napkins
5. Black Page 112
6. The Torture Never Stops |
The Ark: Mothers of
Invention (1968)
Big Leg Emma
2. Some Ballet Music
3. Status Back Baby
4. Valerie
5. My Guitar
6. Uncle Meat/King Kong (Medley) |
Freaks And Motherf*%!!@#
Little Home I Used To Live In
2. The Mud Shark
3. Do You Like My New Car
4. Happy Together
5. Call Any Vegetable
6. America Drinks
7. Whino Man
8. Sharleena
+ en del
uspesifisert |
Unmitigated Audacity
Untitled Instrumental
2. It Can't Happen Here
3. Hungry Freaks Daddy
4. You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here
5. How Could I Be Such A Fool?
6. Ain't Got No Heart
7. I'm Not Satisfied
8. Wowie Zowie
9. Let's Make The Water Turn Black
10. Harry You're A Beast
11. Oh No, I Don't Believe It
12. More Trouble Every Day
13. Louie Louie
14. Camarillo Brillo |
Anyway The Wind Blows
LP 1
1. Watermelon In Easter Hay
2. Dead Girls of London
3. Ain't Got No Heart
4. Brown Shoes Don't Make It
5. Cosmic Debris
6. Tryin To Grow A Chin
7. City of Tiny Lights
8. Dancin' Fool
9. Easy Meat |
LP 2
1. Jumbo Go Away
2. Andy
3. Inca Roads
4. Florentine Pogen
5. Honey Don't You Want A Man Like me
6. Keep It Greasy
7. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
8. Another Cheep Aroma
9. Wet T-shirt Night
10. Why Does It Hurt When I Pee
11. Titties And Beer |
'Tis The Season To Be
Jelly (1967)
You Didn't Try To Call Me
2. Petroushka
3. Bristol Stomp
4. Baby Love
5. Big Leg Emma
6. No Matter What You Do Interpolating Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony
7. Blue Suede Shoes
8. Hound Dog
9. Gee
10. King Kong
11. It Can't Happen Here |
Saarbrücken 1978
LP 1
1. Dancin' Fool
2. Easy Meat
3. Honey, Don't You Want A Man Like Me
4. Keep It Greasey
5. Village of The Sun
6. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
7. City of Tiny Lights
8. A Pound For A Brown |
LP 2
1. Bobby Brown
2. Conehead
3. Flakes
4. Magic Fingers
5. Don't Eat That Yellow Snow
6. Nanook Rubs It
7. St. Alphonso's Pancake Breakfast
8. Rollo
9. Bamboozled By Love |
Kung Fu
3. Dupree's Paradise
4. T'Mershi Duween
5. Father O'Blivion |
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 5
(1992) DBL-CD
CD 1
1. The Downtown Talent Scout
2. Charles Ives
3. Here Lies Love
4. Piano/Drum Duet
5. Mozart Ballet
6. Chocolate Halvah
7. JCB & Kansas On The Bus #1
8. Run Home Slow: Main Title Theme
9. The Little March
10. Right There
11. Where Is Johnny Velvet?
12. Retur of The Hunch-back Duke
13. Trouble Every Day
14. Proto-minimalism
15. JCB & Kansas On The Bus #2
16. My Head?
17. Meow
18. Baked-Bean Boogie
19. Where's Our Equipment?
20. FZ/JCB Drum Duet
21. No Waiting For The Peanuts To Dissolve
22. A Game of Cards
23. Underground Freak-out Music
24. German Lunch
25. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama |
CD 2
1. Easy Meat
2. Dead Girls of London
3. Shall We Take Ourselves
4. What's New In Baltimore?
5. Moggio
6. Dancin' Fool
8. Advance Romance
9. City of Tiny Lights
10. A Pound For A Brown (On The
11. Doreen
12. The Black Page #2
13. Geneva Farewell |
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 6
(1992) DBL-CD
CD 1
1. The M.O.I. Anti-smut Loyalty Oath
2. The Poodle Lecture
3. Dirty Love
4. Magic Fingers
5. The Madison Panty-sniffing Festival
6. Honey, Dont You want A Man Like Me?
7. Father O'Blivion
8. Is That Guy Kidding Or What?
9. I'm So Cute
10. White Person
11. Lonely Person Devices
12. Ms. Pinky
13. Shove It Right In
14. Wind Up Workin' In A Gas Station
15. Make A Sex Noise
16. Tracy Is A Snob
17. I Have Been In You
18. Emperor of Ohio
19. Dinah-Moe Humm
20. He's So Gay
21. Camarillo Brillo
22. Muffin Man |
CD 2
1. NYC Halloween Audience
2. The Illinois enema Bandit
3. Thirteen
4. Lobster Girl
5. Black Napkins
6. We're Turning Again
7. Alien Orifice
8. Catholic Girls
9. Crew Slut
10. Tryin' To Grow A Chin
11. Take Your Clothes Off When
You Dance
12. Lisa's Life Story
13. Lonesome Cowboy Nando
14. 200 Motels Finale
15. Strictly Genteel
Playground Psychotics
(1992) DBL-CD (3/5)
CD 1
1. Here Comes The Gear, Lads
2. The Living Garage Truck
3. A Typical Sound Check
4. "This Is Neat"
5. The Motel Lobby
6. Getting Stewed
7. The Motel Room
8. "Don't Take Me Down"
9. The Dressing Room
10. Learning "Penis Dimension"
11. "You There, With The Hard On!"
12. Zanti Serenade
13. Divan
14. Sleeping In A Jar
15. "Don't Eat There"
16. Brixton Still Life
17. Super Grease
18. Wonderful Wind
19. Sharleena
20. Cruisin' For Burgers
21. Diptheria Blues
22. Well
23. Say please
25. Scumbag
26. A Small Eternity With Yoko Ono |
CD 2
1. Beer Shampoo
2. Champagne Lecture
3. Childish Perversions
4. Playground Psychotics
5. The Mudshark Interview
6. "There's No Lust In Jazz"
7. Botylism On The Hoof
8. You Got Your Armies
9. The Spewking
10. I'm Doomed
11. Status Back Baby
12. The London Cabtape
13. Concentration Moon, Part One
14. The Sanzini Brothers
15. "It's A Good Thing We Get Paid
To Do This"
16. Concentration Moon, Part Two
17. Mom & Dad
18. Intro To Music For Low Budget
19. Billy The Mountain
20. He's Watching Us
21. If You're Not A Professional Actor
22. He's Right
23. Going For The Money
24. Jeff Quits
25. A Bunch of Adventures
26. Martin Lickert's Story
27. A Great Guy
28. Bad Acting
29. The Worst Reviews
30. A Version of Himself
31. I Could Be A Star Now |
Beat The Boots #2
(1992) 3 LP + 4 DBL-LP Box (3/5)
andre angrep på bootlegindustrien. 7 nye bootlegalbumer
med forbedret lydkvalitet. Noen av LP-omslagene i boksen har
avbildet cd'er i virkelig størrelse og kan derfor
være noe utydelige her pga dette. Boksen inneholder i
tillegg en "scrapbook" og en beret med Zappalogo. Lp'ene presenteres nedenfor med
innhold. Sangtitlene kan avvike noe fra originalene mht
1. Disconnected Synapses
2. Tengo Ná Minchia Tanta
3. Electric Aunt Jemima
4. At The Circus
5. Swiss Cheese/Fire!
6. Our Man In Nirvana
7. Conceptual Continuity |
Disconnected Synapses (1970)
LP 1
1. Penis Dimensions
2. The Air
3. The Dog Breath/Mother People
4. You Didn't Try To Call Me |
LP 2
1. King Kong
2. Who Are The Brain Police? |
Tengo Ná Minchia
Tanta (1971)
2. Uncle Meat
3. 9 Types of Industrial Pollution
4. Uncle Meat (including Zolar Czakl)
5. Interlude (including Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head)
6. Sharleena
7. The Sanzini Brothers
8. What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning?
9. What Kind of Girls Do You Think We Are?
10. Bwana Dik
11. Latex Solar Beef
12. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
13. Little House I Used To Live In (including Penis Dimensions)
14. Would You Like A Snack?
15. Holiday In Berlin, Full Blown
16. Cruising For Burgers |
Electric Aunt Jemima
LP 1
1. Little House I Used To Live In
2. Dog Breath Variations
3. Blue Danube Waltz
4. Hungry Freaks Daddy
5. Improvisation
6. Dog Breath
7. King Kong |
LP 2
1. Trouble Every Day Variations
2. A Pound For A Brown On The Bus
3. Improvisation
4. Plastic People
5. King Kong
6. America Drinks
7. Wipe Out |
At The Circus
2. Baby Snakes
3. Dancing Fool
4. Easy Meat
5. Honey Don't You Want A Man Like Me
6. Other People
7. Wino Man
8. Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
9. ...fusions
10. Bobby Brown
11. I'm On Duty
12. Conehead |
Swiss Cheese/Fire!
LP 1
1. Intro
2. Peaches En Regelia
3. Tears Began To Fall
4. She Painted Up Her Face
5. Half-a-Dozen Provocative Squats
6. Call Any Vegetable
7. Anyway The Wind Blows |
LP 2
1. Magdelena
2. Dog Breath
3. Give Me Some Floor Covering,
Under This Fat, Floating Sofa
4. A Pound For A Brown On The Bus
5. Wonderful Wino
6. Sharleena
7. Cruisin' For Burgers
8. King Kong
9. Fire! |
Our Man In Nirvana
LP 1
1. Intro
2. Bacon Fat
3. The String Quartet
incl. A Pound For A Brown On The Bus
incl. Sleeping In A Jar
4. The Wild Man Fischer Story |
LP 2
1. I'm The Meany
2. Valerie
3. King Kong No 1
4. King Kong No 2 |
Conceptual Continuity
2. Dirty Love
3. Wind Up Workin' In A Gas Station
4. The Torture Never Stops
5. City of Tiny Lights |
Yellow Shark
- Ensemble Modern
(1993) CD (4/5)
2. Dog Breath Variations
3. Uncle Meat
4. Outrage At Valdez
5. Times Beach II
6. III Revised
7. The Girl In The Magnesium Dress
8. Be-bop Tango
9. Ruth Is Sleeping
10. None of The Above
11. Pentagon Afternoon
12. Questi Cazzi Di Piccione
13. Times Beach III
14. Food Gathering In Post-industrial America, 1992
15. Welcome To The United States
16. Pound For A Brown
17. Exercise #4
18. Get Whitey
19. G-spot Tornado |
Ahead of Their Time
(1993) CD (3/5)
2. Progress?
3. Like It Or Not
4. The Jimmy Carl Black Philosophy Lesson
5. Holding The Group Back
6. Holiday In Berlin
7. The Rejected Mexican Pope Leaves The Stage
8. Undaunted, The Band Plays On
9. Agency Man
10. Epilogue
11. King Kong
12. Help, I'm A Rock
13. Transylvania Boogie
14. Pound For A Brown
15. Sleeping In A Jar
16. Let's Make The Water Turn Black
17. Harry, You're A Beast
18. The Orange County Lumber Truck (Part I)
19. Oh No
20. The Orange County Lumber Truck (Part II) |
Civilization Phaze III
(1994) DBL-CD (4/5)
CD 1
1. Civilization Phaze III Act One |
CD 2
1. Civilization Phaze III Act Two |
Does Humor
Belong In Music?
(1995) CD (3/5)
Zoot Allures
2. Tinsel-Town Rebellion
3. Trouble Every Day
4. Penguin In Bondage
5. Hot-plate Heaven At The Green Hotel
6. What's New In Baltimore?
7. Cock-suckers' Ball
9. Let's Move To Cleveland
10. Whippin' Post |
The Lost
(1996) CD (4/5)
The Blackouts
2. Lost In A Whirlpool
3. Ronnie Sings?
4. Kenny's Booger Story
5. Ronnie's Booger Story
6. Mount St. Mary's Concert Excerpt
7. Take Your Clotes Off When You Dance
8. Tiger Roach
9. Run Home Slow Theme
10. Fountain of Love
11. Run Home Cues, #2
12. Any Way The Wind Blows
13. Run Home Cues, #3
14. Charva
15. The Dick Kunc Story |
16. Wedding Dress Song
17. Handsome Cabin Boy
18. Cops & Buns
19. The Big Squeeze
20. I'm A band Leader
21. Alley Cat
22. The Grand Wazoo
23. Wonderful Wino
24. Kung Fu
26. Basement Music #1
27. Inca Roads
28. Lil' Clanton Shuffle
29. I Don't Wanna Get Drafted
30. Sharleena |
(1996) Trippel-CD
Løst CD-omslag
CD 1
1. Re-gyptian Strut
2. Naval Aviation In Art?
3. A Little Green Rosetta
4. Duck Duck Goose
5. Down In De Dew
6. For The Young Sophisticate
7. Tryin' To Grow A Chin
8. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
9. The Legend of The Illinois Enema
10. Lemme Take You To The Beach
11. Revised Music For Guitar & Low
Budget Orchestra
12. RDNZL |
CD 2
1. Honey, Don't You Want A Man Like Me?
2. The Black Page #1
3. Big Leg Emma
4. Punky's Whips
5. Flambé
6. The Purple Lagoon
7. Pedro's Dowry
8. Läther
9. Spider of Destiny
10. Duke of Orchestral Prunes
CD 3
1. Filthy Habits
2. Titties 'n Beer
3. The Ocean Is The Ultimate Solution
4. The Adventures of Greggery Peccary
5. Regyptian Strut
6. Leather Goods
7. Revenge of The Knick Knack People
8. Time Is Money
Have I Offended
(1997) CD (4/5)
Bobby Brown Goes Down
2. Disco Boy
3. Goblin Girl
4. In France
5. He's So Gay
6. SEX
7. Titties 'n Beer
8. We're Turning Again
9. Dumb All Over
10. Catholic Girls
11. Dinah-Moe Humm
12. Tinsel Town Rebellion
13. Valley Girl
14. Jewish Princess
15. Yo Cats |
Strictly Genteel
(1997) CD (4/5)
1. Uncle
Meat: Main Title Theme
2. Regyptian Strut
3. Pedro's Dowry
4. Outrage At Valdez
5. Little Umbrellas
6. Run Home Slow Theme
7. Dwarf Nebula Processional March & Dwarf Nebula
8. Dupree's Paradise
9. Opus 1, No. 3, 2nd Movement, PRESTO
10. Duke of Prunes
11. Aybe Sea
12. Naval Aviation In Art?
13. G-Spot Tornado
14. Bob In Dacron, First Movement
15. Opus 1, No. 4, 2nd Movement ALLEGRO
16. Dog Breath Variations
17. Uncle Meat
18. Strictly Genteel |
Cucamonga Years
(1998) LP (3/5)
Momories of El Monte
2. How's Your Bird?
3. The World's Greatest Sinner
4. Dear Jeepers
5. Letter From Jeeper
6. Grunion Run
7. Tijuana Surf
8. Mr. Clean
9. Jessie Lee
10. Heavies
11. The Cruncher
12. Every Time
13. Cradle Rock |
Mystery Disc
(1998) CD
Theme From Run Home Slow
2. Original Duke of Prunes
3. Opening Night Party At Studio Z (Collage)
4. The Village Inn
5. Steal Away
6. I Was A Teen-age Malt Shop
7. The Birth of Captain Beefheart
8. Metal Man Has Won His Wings
9. Power Trio Segment From The Saints 'n Sinners
10. Bossa Nova Pervertamento
11. Excerpt From The Uncle Frankie Show
12. Charva
13. Speed-freak Boogie
14. Original Mothers At The Broadside (Pomona)
15. Party Scene From Mondo Hollywood
16. Original Mothers Rehearsal
17. How Could I Be Such A Fool?
18. Band Introductions At The Fillmore West
19. Plastic People
20. Original Mothers At The Fillmore East
21. Harry, You're A Beast
22. Don Interrupts
23. Piece One
24. Jim/Roy
25. Piece Two
26. Agency Man
27. Agency Man (Studio Version)
28. Lecture From Festival Hall Show
29. Wedding Dress Song/The Handsome Cabin Boy
30. Skweezit Skweezit Skweezit
31. The Story of Willie The Pimp
32. Black Beauty
33. Chucha
34. Mothers At KPFK
35. Harmonica Fun |
Cheap Thrills
(1998) CD
I Could Be A Star Now
2. Catholic Girls
3. Bobby Brown Goes Down
4. You Are What You Is
5. We Are Not Alone
6. Cheap Thrills
7. The Mudshark Interview
8. Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel
9. Zomby Woof
10. The Torture Never Stops
11. Joe's garage
12. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
13. Going For The Money |
How's Your Bird?
(1998) 10" EP - Coloured vinyl ?/5
En samling
med tidlig Zappa. Mye er skrevet av Zappa men fremføres av andre (Wikipedia).
Lilla/purpur vinyl. Forskjellig farget vinyl skal ha blitt benyttet
til forskjellige pressinger opp til 2003.
1. Dear
2. The World's Greatest Sinner
3. How's Your Bird?
4. Everytime I See You
5. Cradle Rock
6. Slow Bird
7. Blind Man's Bluff
8. Cathy, My Angel
9. 'Til September
10. Letter From Jeepers |
Son of Cheep
(1999) CD
2. Twenty Small Cigars
3. The Legend of The Golden Arches
4. Ya Honza
5. It Just Might Be A One-shot Deal
6. Love of My Love (Live version)
7. Disco Boy (Live soundtrack version)
8. Night School
9. Sinister Footwear 2nd MVT. (Live version)
10. The Idiot Bastard Son (Live version)
11. What's New In Baltimore? |
(2003) DVDA/DVD
1. NYC Audience
2. Ancient Armaments
3. Dancin' Fool
4. Easy Meat
5. Megic Fingers
6. Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
7. Conehead
8. "Zeets"
9. Stink-Foot
10. Dinah-Moe Humm
11. Camarillo Brillo
12. Muffin Man
13. Black Napkins (The Deathless Horsie) |
1. Suicide Chump (live-video)
2. Dancin' Fool (live-video)
Radio interview
The Libretto
Biography |
The Best of Frank Zappa
(2004) CD
Peaches En Ragelia
2. Don't Eat That Yellow Snow - Single version
3. Dancin' Fool
4. San Ber'dino
5. Dirty Love
6. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
7. Cosmik Debris
8. Disco Boy
9. Fine Girl
10. I'm The Slime
11. Joe's Garage - Single version
12. Bobby Brown Goes Down
13. Montana - Single version
14. Valley Girl
15. Muffin Man |
(2004) DVDA 4/5
1. Naval
Aviation In Art?
2. Lumpy Gravy
3. Rollo
4. Drooling Midrange Accountants On Easter Hay
5. Wild Love
6. Ship Ahoy
7. Chunga Basement
8. Venusian Time Bandits
9. Waka/Jawaka
10. Basement Music |
A Token of His Extreme...
(2004) DVD
From "The
Dub Room Special":
2. Cosmik Debris
3. Room Service
Not For
5. Inca Roads
6. Pygmy Twylyte
7. Room Service
Song Selection:
Dog Meat
9. More Trouble Every Day
10. Montana
11. George Duke Solo
12. Florentine Pogen
13. Oh No
14. Pygmy Twylyte
15. Stinkfoot
16. Inca Roads |
200 Motels
(2005) DVD (3/5)
utgitt på VHS i 1971. The Mothers og Ringo Starr deltar i denne
absurde musikkfilmen.
Hollywood Overture
2. Larry The Dwarf
3. Mystery Woman
4. Rance Muhammitz
5. "He's Watching Us"
6. "I'm Deeply Offended"
7. Dance of The Rock & Roll
8. "He's Should Retire"
9. This Won't Take Long (Just A Few
10. "Who Do You Think You Are?"
11. Centerville
12. "Don't You Have Any Taste?"
13. The Sealed Tuna Bolero
14. Lonesome Cowboy Burt
15. "I Am Known By Many Names"
16. "Hello, There"
17. Magic Fingers
18. "I Gotta Write This Down"
19. The Last Searchers The Night For
The Newts
20. The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some
21. The Girl's Dream
22. Little Green Scratchy Sweaters &
Courduroy Ponce |
23. A Nun Suit
Painted On Some Old
24. Dental Hygiene Dilemma
25. Does This Kind of Life Look
Interesting To You?
26. "I'm Going To Die"
27. Your Dick
28. Penis Dimention
29. She Painted Up Her Face
30. Janet's Big Dance Number
31. Half A Dozen Provocative Squats
32. Lucy's Seduction of A Bored Violinist
33. Shove It Right In
34. "I Am Bwana Dik"
35. What Will This Morning Bring Me
This Evening?
36. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
37. "I Could Be A Star Now"
38. What Will This Evening Bring Me
This Morning
39. Mysterioso
40. Dental Hygiene Reprise
41. Strictly Genteel
42. The Finale
43. Postlude |
Imaginary Diseases
(2005) CD 4,5/5
2. Rollo
3. Been To Kansas City In Minor
4. Father O'Blivion
5. D.C. Boogie
6. Imaginary Diseases
7. Montreal |
(2006) CD
Chunga's Revenge
2. Bowling On Charen
3. Good Lobna
4. A Cold Dark Matter
5. Butter Or Cannons
6. Ask Dr. Stupid
7. Scratch & Sniff
8. Trance-Fusion
9. Gorgo
10. Diplodocus
11. Soul Polka
12. For Giuseppe Franco
13. After Dinner Smoker
14. Light Is All That Matters
15. Finding Higgs' Boson
16. Bavarian Sunset |
Apostrophe (') Over-nite
(2007) DVD ?/5
...the definitive authorised story of the albums.
The making of...
Featuring cuts from:
1. Dinah-Moe Humm
2. I'm The Slime
3. Montana
4. St. Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast
5. Cosmik Debris
6. Stink-Foot
- Live performances:
1. Montana (1973)
2. I'm The Slime (1976)
3. Camarillo Brillo (by Zappa plays Zappa)
- Discography
- DVD Rom web link |
Zappa In Barcelona
(2007) DVD
Live - "Recorded
and filmed during European tour, May 1988"
1. The
Black Page #2
2. Packard Goose
3. Sharleena
4. Bamboozled By Love
5. Black Napkins
6. When The Lie's So Big
7. Planet of The Baritone Women
8. Any Kind of Pain
9. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk
10. Sofa
11. Find Her Finer
12. Big Swifty
13. I Ain't Got No Heart
14. Love of My Life
15. The Torture Never Stops
16. Bolero
17. Watermelon In Easter Hay
18. Whipping Post
19. I Am The Walrus
20. The Illinois Enema Bandit
21. Strictly Genteel |
Music In Review
(2008) DVD + 72-siders bok ?/5
1. Freak Out
2. We're Only In It For The Money
3. Lumpy Gravy
4. Hot Rats
5. 200 Motels
6. Apostrophe (')
+ Image gallery |
Live Transmissions
(2008) DVD
Saturday Night Live performances from 1976 and 1978"
Peaches En Regalia
2. Purple Lagoon
3. I'm The Slime
4. Dancin' Fool
5. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
6. St Alphonzo's Breakfast/Rollo
Incisive interview with Frank Zappa |
The Grandmothers
A Grandmothers Night
At The Gewandhaus
(2003) CD
1. Hungry
Freaks, Daddy
2. Lonely Little Girl
3. Take Your Clothes Off (When You
4. What's The Ugliest Part of Your Body?
5. Oh No
6. The Orange County Lumber Truck
7. Trouble Coming Every Day
8. Amsterdam
9. Peace For All
10. Lamonts Lament
11. Immaculate Deception
12. Montana
13. Village of The Sun
14. Echidna's Arf (of You)
15. Mother People |
Autograf fra
Napoleon Murphy Brock
i Stavanger 29. april 2006. |
Diverse artister
Zappa's Universe
(1993) VHS
Hyllest til Frank Zappa
Elvis Has Just Left The Building
2. Planet of The Baritone Women
3. Brown Shoes Don't Make It
4. Jazz Discharge Party Hats
5. The Idiot Bastard Son
6. Black Page
7. Echidna's Arf
8. Hungy Freaks, Daddy
9. Uncle Meat
10. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk
11. Heavenly Bank Account
12. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
13. Waka Jawaka
14. Dirty Love
15. Chunga's Revenge
16. Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel
Guest Artists:
Steve Vai
Dweezil Zappa
Dale Bozzio |
The Frank Zappa Society
Mårten Sund & Rune Karlsen
Bok/hefte, på
norsk, utgitt av "The Frank Zappa Society" i 1980 og omtaler
Zappas karriere til og med utgivelsen av Joe's Garage Acts II &
III i 1979. Boken inneholder masse interessant informasjon. |